Pleural effusion treatment in homeopathy

What is Pleural Effusion?

If any fluid or liquid, especially water, accumulates in the pleural space or pleural cavity located inside these two pleural, parietal, and visceral spaces, it is called pleural effusion. But when pus accumulates instead of water, it is called an empyema.

Table Of Content:Every person has some amount of fluid in the lung cavity. This fluid keeps the lungs lubricated, thereby helping the lungs to circulate and breathe in and out. But when more than the normal amount of fluid accumulates in the lungs due to pneumonia, lung infection, or any other disease, treatment is required.

What is Pleural Empyema?

When pus accumulates in the pleural cavity from any type of infection, it is called a pleural empyema. Pleural empyema, in some cases, develops after pneumonia. However, the disease can also be seen in some cases after any chest injury, any type of lung infection, lung abscess, thoracic surgery, etc.

Pleural effusion treatment in homeopathy
Pleural effusion image

What is chronic empyema?

If acute empyema is not treated properly, the disease gradually becomes chronic. As a result, bronchopleural fistulas, amyloidosis, chronic malnutrition, etc. occur. In such complex situations, the drainage of pus by surgical drainage is required. And it also requires conservative treatment.

Causes of pleural Effusion:

Due to all the reasons that water usually accumulates in the lungs,
such as
1) From pneumonia.
2) If lung abscess.
3) If there is an infection in the lungs or lung lining.
4) From severe inflammation of the lungs.
5) From lung-related cancer or carcinoma.
6) From tuberculosis.
Water can accumulate in the lungs from the situation, etc.
In cancer, pulmonary embolism, kidney disease, autoimmune disease, etc., water can accumulate in the lungs.

Symptoms of pleural Effusion:

All the symptoms that occur when water accumulates in the lungs are:
1) There is usually a mild fever, and this fever rarely goes away. The intensity of the fever sometimes decreases a little and then increases again.
2) A loss of appetite causes distaste in the mouth. As a result, he cannot eat food properly. This causes physical weakness. The body continues to dry up.

3) A heavy cough is seen for a long time. A cough is usually seen with any lung infection.
4) Sometimes the patient is vomiting.
5) Insomnia may occur. Because all these types of symptoms combine to create various physical complications,.

Diagnosis of Pleural Effusion:

Pleural effusion is not always confirmed by clinical investigation. A pathological investigation is necessary in these cases. Pathological tests that can diagnose pleural effusion are:
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate): If there is an infection, the level of ESR in the blood increases.
Chest X-ray: Homogeneous opacity will be found in the X-ray report.
LDH (low-density lipoprotein) LDL levels have greatly increased.
CT Scan: The CT scan report will show fluid in the lungs.

Management of pleural Effusion:

If the water accumulates in the chest, the main cause of the disease should be kept in mind, leading to a conscious life. Light but firm food should be taken. The most important management is bed rest. No hard work can be done. Along with this, if the patient has a habit of intoxicating, especially tobacco products, it must be avoided. Especially if the patient is a smoker, there is no way he can smoke right now. It should be remembered that all organs are damaged by alcohol, but the liver is directly damaged by alcohol. The stomach is directly affected by the consumption of jorda or tobacco. Due to this, those who eat excess tobacco or Jorda, beans develop tobacco dyspepsia. And the lungs are damaged from smoking. So smoking should be stopped first in any lung disease.

Pleural effusion treatment in homeopathy:

Homeopathic treatment is usually symptom-based. Treatment of pleural effusion should be tailored to both the disease and the patient’s symptoms. However, the most commonly used drugs are:

Apis mellifica: This medicine is unique in treating patients with watery lung disease. However, the symptoms of the medicine should be present in the patient. The patient’s urine decreases. Soothes any irritation with a cold. If the patient chooses Apis Mel medicine, keeping in view these symptoms of high heat, and no thirst, it will cure the patient’s pleural effusion disease.

Pleural effusion treatment in homeopathy
Pleural effusion image 2

Apocynam: Its patients are cold. Urine may not change much. The patient is very thirsty.

Arsenic Album: The patient may have frequent small amounts of water thirst, breathing problems, is very chilly, and is afraid of death due to the disease, if Arsenic is selected for these symptoms, the patient will be cured of this disease.

Natrum Sulph: The patient has a violent cough, with dyspnea. Natrum sulph will cure pleural effusion if these symptoms are present in the hydrogenaoid miasmatic patient.

Arnica Montana: Patients will benefit from Arnica Montana if the disease originates from a history of trauma.

Heper sulph: Hypersulph will work very well if the patient is excessively angry, fond of jhal masala, or has sensitive pain.

In addition to all these medicines, deep miasmetic medicine may be required to simulate mayasomatic symptoms. This disease can be cured very well by applying medicines such as sulphur, marxol, syphilinum, phosphorus, silicea etc.

Is pleural effusion fatal?

If fluid accumulates in the lungs or develops a pleural effusion from a malignant condition, it can be very serious. For example, fluid accumulation in the lungs from cancer or malignancy is usually very complex. However, if the disease is due to other common causes and proper treatment is given in time, it is curable.

Treatment of Malignant Pleural Effusion:

Usually, in cases of cancer, the pus is removed by a drainage procedure. If the cancer is under control by chemotherapy, then the situation is under control. Commonly used methods for this drainage are:
Thoracentesis, Tube Thoracostomy, Catheter, Surgery, etc.

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Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath.

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