Liver cirrhosis causes symptoms and homeopathy

 Preliminary Discussion: In today’s discussion, we will discuss chronic liver cirrhosis disease. What is liver cirrhosis? What are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis? Treatment of liver cirrhosis? What should I do if I have liver cirrhosis? How do I get rid of liver cirrhosis? Liver cirrhosis patient food list? I will talk about, etc.

What is liver cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease in which part of the healthy liver tissue is deformed or destroyed and the cells lose their normal function. As a result, the liver gets damaged, and the liver loses its normal function. Once liver cirrhosis has progressed, it is rarely curable without a liver transplant in many cases. However, in some cases, patients with liver cirrhosis have been cured with homeopathy as an alternative treatment.

Table Of Content:It is possible to get rid of this disease only if it is detected in the early stages of the disease and if one can avoid it and lead an ideal life.

Liver cirrhosis causes symptoms and homeopathy
Liver cirrhosis

What causes liver cirrhosis?

We are now discussing the direct causes from which the disease occurs.

1) Long-term alcohol consumption: liver cirrhosis is caused by regular consumption of excessive alcohol for a long period. Not only liver cirrhosis but also drinking alcohol or wine plays a major role in the development of various liver diseases. (Drinking alcohol damages the liver. Smoking damages the lungs. And consuming tobacco, along with water, damages the stomach) But this reason is more applicable to people from Europe and America. In this region of Bangladesh and the Indian subcontinent, hepatitis B and fatty liver are common causes of liver cirrhosis.

2) Chronic Viral Hepatitis: Hepatitis, especially Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis D, if they are in chronic form, can lead to liver cirrhosis.

3) Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver: Liver cirrhosis can be caused by excess fat accumulation in the liver due to obesity or any other reason. It has been found that about 30 percent of patients with fatty liver disease later develop liver cirrhosis. Also, having diabetes or metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing the disease.

4) Auto-immune disease: Hepatitis is a type of auto-immune disease in which the body’s antibodies misbehave and attack itself. In this case, too, the patient’s immune system destroys its own liver cells, resulting in liver cirrhosis.

5) Genetic disorders: Liver cirrhosis can develop from some hereditary diseases like Wilson’s disease, hemochromatosis, etc.

6) Long-term medicinal side effects: Certain medicines that have side effects, such as toxins, cause damage to the liver if consumed regularly for a long time. Liver cirrhosis may result.

7) Cryptogenic cirrhosis: In some cases, no cause of liver cirrhosis is found. This condition is called cryptogenic cirrhosis. Lifestyle modifications are needed to prevent the progression of liver cirrhosis or to slow the disease from progressing rapidly. In this case, the cause of the disease should be identified and solved. Lifestyle changes play an important role in this.

What are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis?

Symptoms may vary from person to person. In the early stages of the disease, some may not show any symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, some common symptoms appear in all cases, such as:

1) Fatigue and Weakness: If someone is suffering from liver cirrhosis, it translates to constant fatigue and weakness. Jaundice Bilirubin accumulates in the blood, causing the skin, eyes, nails, urine, etc. to turn yellow.

2) Swelling: Swelling occurs in the body. Especially the legs and abdomen swell.

3) Easy bruising and bleeding: A healthy liver produces a type of protein that helps prevent blood clotting. In liver cirrhosis, the production of this protein decreases or stops. As a result, small wounds bleed profusely. In all these diseases, the body has a tendency to form wounds easily.

4) Itching of the skin: Itching of the skin may occur due to the accumulation of bile under the skin.

5) Loss of appetite: The patient’s appetite is completely reduced. No desire to eat at all.

6) Nausea and vomiting: The patient has digestive problems. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the patient’s esophageal veins become swollen, ruptured, and bleed. The blood mixed with vomit and feces can sometimes cause black stools or black-colored vomit.

7) Confusion and cognitive problems: If liver cirrhosis is advanced, some abnormalities may appear in the patient’s brain. And some cognitive abnormalities occur. The liver is responsible for cleaning or toxifying the contaminated blood. Since a diseased liver is unable to do this, toxins accumulate in our blood. At some point, it attacks the brain. In this situation, the patient’s personality may change. Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, and, in severe cases, the patient may even go into a coma. This condition is called hepatic encephalopathy.

8) Spider-like blood vessels: Spider-like blood vessels can be seen on the skin. Liv

Portal hypertension occurs in the blood vessels that deliver blood to the liver in cirrhosis. Due to this pressure, the blood vessels on the surface of the skin can appear spider-shaped. This is called a spider angioma.

Liver cirrhosis treatment?

Diagnosing the underlying cause of the disease, addressing it, and treating the patient based on liver damage and visible disease symptoms. The treatment of liver cirrhosis is discussed below.

1) Diagnosing the cause of the disease: If the cause of the disease is related to alcohol or drinking, then the consumption of alcohol should be stopped. If the disease is due to excess obesity or diabetes, it should be corrected by lifestyle changes, and the root cause of the disease should be corrected.

2) Management of complications of the disease: conditions like hepatic encephalopathy should be treated with medicine. Ascites should be drained.

3) Regular monitoring: A regular routine medical checkup should be done for liver cirrhosis. Liver function should be monitored.

4) Treatment according to the symptoms: Nausea, ascites, and itchy skin should be taken into consideration, and they should be treated accordingly so that the suffering of the patient is reduced. Along with that, the food list should be adjusted to meet the nutritional deficiency.

Liver cirrhosis treatment in homeopathy:

Liver cirrhosis is an important pathological condition that requires careful management and monitoring. Along with this, applying homeopathic medicines to the patient’s symptoms can benefit the patient. Unless the situation is very serious, homeopathic treatment cures liver cirrhosis patients. In this case, the advice of an experienced homeopathic doctor must be taken.

Diet plan for a liver cirrhosis patient:

A liver cirrhosis patient’s diet must be balanced and healthy. Here is a recommended food list for this disease.

1) Fruits and Vegetables: Emphasis should be placed on consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates and sugary foods should be reduced. Choose fruits or grains that are rich in fiber and nutrients. Some people with cirrhosis may be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Keep an eye on these things.

2) Intake of healthy fats: Fatty foods should be avoided in patients with cirrhosis. But in some cases, almonds, avocados, and olive oil can be used in limited amounts as healthy fats.

3) Moderate protein intake: high-protein foods like lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy should be consumed in moderation. Protein intake is very important for overall health.

4) Reduce sodium or salt intake: If the body is swollen, salt intake should be limited to reduce that juice. Consuming too much salt makes the body more bloated.

5) Abstaining from alcohol: To prevent further damage to the liver, alcohol should be completely avoided. Along with this, all types of intoxicants, including tobacco, must be abandoned.

6) Eat small, frequent meals: Feed the patient small, frequent meals instead of large meals at once to facilitate digestion.

7) Monitor fluid intake: Monitor fluid intake like water, juice, fruit juice, etc., especially if there is swelling.

Liver Cirrhosis and Liver Transplantation:

Liver transplantation becomes necessary in the very end stage of liver disease when it can no longer function effectively. A liver transplant may be needed for several reasons.

1) Liver failure: Liver transplantation is required when cirrhosis reaches a stage where the liver cannot perform its normal functions or becomes ineffective. Hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, variceal bleeding, hepatorenal syndrome, etc. may require liver transplantation if the condition is severe.

2) Deterioration of health despite medical management: A liver transplant can be a viable option if a person’s health continues to decline despite optimal medical management and lifestyle changes.

3) Development of liver cancer: ‘Liver cirrhosis’ increases the risk of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). In some cases, a liver transplant may be required if cancer is detected early and deemed necessary.

Now we will know some more important questions and answers related to cirrhosis of the liver.

Question 1) Does liver cirrhosis get better?

Answer: In many cases, it is not possible to overcome the damage done to the liver before the disease is selected. But with proper treatment, the patient will get better. Especially with proper homeopathic treatment and if the patient adheres to a healthy lifestyle, the disease will steadily improve, and if given the chance, the disease will be cured.

Question 2) Liver cirrhosis patients live for how long?

Answer: The life expectancy of a person with cirrhosis is shorter or longer, depending on various factors. The survival time of the patient depends on factors such as the cause of cirrhosis, the extent of liver damage, the overall physical complications of the patient, etc.

Question 3) If the patient is not treated at the right time, what can be the harm?

Answer: If the liver cirrhosis patient is not treated on time, his kidneys may be affected later. Esophageal veins can become swollen and rupture, causing intra-abdominal bleeding. As a result, vomiting blood or passing blood may occur. This can range from liver cirrhosis to liver cancer.

4) Does liver transplant in Bangladesh? How about the cost?

Yes, liver transplants are currently possible in Bangladesh. Professor Dr. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Medical University (BSMMU) Vice-Chancellor. Md. Sharfuddin Amed said that if a liver transplant is to be done in Europe, it will cost about Tk 2 crore. This amount of money is around 60 to 70 lakhs in India. And the cost of a liver transplant in Bangladesh will be around 20 to 30 lakh taka.

You know what? Patients with cancer, kidney, and liver cirrhosis, paralyzed by stroke, congenital heart disease, and thalassemia can request financial assistance from the Bangladesh government. Fill out the application form to apply to the Bangladesh government.

Read this post in bangla:

Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath.

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