Ayurveda dosha vata, pitta, and kapha meaning

Ayurveda dosha vata pitta and kapha meaning:

In some places in various homeopathic books, along with giving medicinal details, the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are mentioned. Many of us may find it difficult to understand these things.

At first, it was difficult for me to understand. These three things are included in the Ayurvedic treatment system.

However, the subject may not seem directly related to homeopathic treatment because it is nowhere stated in the Organon. However, this section has analogies within the miasm description in the organon itself, including overall metallurgical considerations. That is, these three ‘words’ (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) may not be used to refer to metallurgy in Organon, but they are described indirectly.

Table Of Content:Knowing about these three doshas (vata pitta and kapha) makes it easy to select the homeopathic medicine that best matches the patient’s general constitution, taking into account body composition and type of illness.

These three aspects are first discussed in the medical section (Upaveda) called Ayurveda, described in 114 hymns within the ‘Atharvaveda’, introduced by Dhanvantari (Dibodasa) 6000 years ago, with knowledge from Brahma.

I am trying to discuss here as much as possible about these three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha:

According to the Ayurveda Shastra, three doshas exist in our body. When these three doshas are contaminated and their balance is lost, the body suffers from various diseases or becomes ill. But as long as these doshas exist in equilibrium within the body, the body remains healthy.

These three doshas are:

1) Vata (Wind)
2) Pitta (fire)
3) Kapha (Water)

A healthy body maintains a balance of these three doshas. In a diseased state, the balance of these doshas within the body is seen to be out of balance.

Among these three doshas, the function of Vata or Vayu is to conduct and control bodily movements.

The function of pitta, or fire, is to perform digestion and to nourish the cells of the body by absorbing the nutrients of the digested products. The function of kapha, or water, is to circulate juice in the body.

If the balance of these three doshas prevails in the body of the pregnant woman during pregnancy, then the child is born healthy. Otherwise, the physical development of the child may not be proper, or there may be the possibility of miscarriage. Moreover, if there is an excess of any of these three doshas in the pregnant mother, the child’s physical development, character, and human qualities can be seen to develop in imitation of that dosha.

Vata Dosha:

The refuge of vata dosha in the body is the lower part of the navel, small intestine, large intestine, bones, ankles, etc.

Vata dosha is related to rough, cool, mild, subtle, fickle, detailed, and dry. Vata dosha is dominated by the sky and air.

A person’s qualities like imagination, intelligence, cheerfulness, sensitivity, etc. are maintained due to the balance of vata dosha in the body. If this vata dosha is not balanced inside the body, it produces weight loss, loss of energy, anger, anxiety, etc. Constipation, heart disease, high blood pressure, mental disorders, etc. can also develop if there is no balance of Vat Dhatu in the body. In the action of Vata Dhatu, body functions such as contraction, expansion, exhalation, internalization, externalization, respiration, etc. are performed.

Blood circulation, bleeding, excretion, digestion, heartbeat, etc. functions are performed by Vata Dhatu.

Types of Vata dosha:

There are five types of vata dhatu.

1) Prana: Prana air resides in the head and chest areas. It helps the brain perform all kinds of functions.

2) Udan: The Udan bayu stays in the chest. This air helps in performing vocal functions.

3) Ban: It is located all over the body. This wind controls the development and movement of the body.

4) Saman: Equal air stays in the small intestine and large intestine. It separates the digestion of food and feces. Controls body heat, metabolism, and the function of bile and kapha.

5) Apana: Apana Vayu stays in the bladder. It helps in the elimination of feces and semen. It also regulates the menstrual cycle in women.

The body of a person with vata dosha is weak, light-thin build. Skin and hair are rough, eyes are dry, and they are restless and mentally weak. They often suffer from diseases like shortness of breath, sore throat, eyes, ears, nose, mental disorders, etc.

Ayurveda Image

Bile dosha:

The abode of bile is the chest, mid-umbilical cord, sweat, blood, digestive tract, bladder, and ducts. Bile carries out the activities of digestion, metabolism, liver, pancreas, etc. If pitta is controlled inside the body, faith, enthusiasm, activity, happiness, wisdom, etc. are created. And when it is disturbed or uncontrolled, the jatharagni becomes dull. As a result, digestion is not normal. Physical weakness, inflammation, fever, and various diseases occur then. Many times there is burning in the body, excess fat in the body, indigestion, and honeydew, which can also cause various types of mental disorders like insanity. Bile becomes the form of fire inside the body and completes the digestive process.

Types of bile dosha:

There are five types of bile.

1) Alochaka Pitta: This Pitrashisa taal is the eyes. Eye color and vision are affected by this pitta.

2) Sadhak pitta: This pitta is located in the heart. This pitta plays a role in motivation, intellectual functions, memory enhancement, etc.

3) Vrajaka Pitta: Its shelter is the skin. It regulates body temperature. It plays a role in determining skin color and reveals beauty.

4) Digestive Bile: This bile resides in the small intestine and helps in the digestion of food.

5) Ranjaka Pitta: It resides in the liver and bladder. It helps in blood formation and immunity in the body.

A Pitta dominant person is medium in physical form, has a warm body, sweaty, bloodshot eyes, short hair, and a soft body. The body color of the pitta dominant person is black. Usually, they have a bitter expression on their faces, eye disorders, skin diseases, mental diseases, etc.

Bile warms the human body, gives color to the body, and digests and nourishes the body.

Kapha dosha:

The kapha is the watery part of the human body. Kapha’s refuge in our body is the chest, voice, vocal folds, neck, head, bony joints and abdominal surfaces, and body fat. Kapha Guru, cool, mild, mellow, steady,  and slippery, signified. In kapha dhatu, water and earth predominate.

Due to an imbalance of Kapha in the body, body temperature decreases, fat increases, indigestion, diabetes insipidus, urticaria, etc. many types of diseases occur. And in harmony, peace, tolerance, mindfulness, courage, sympathy, affection, etc. live in the human body.

That’s why-

The normal kapha is called body force,

And distorted kapha is called body stool.

Natural Kapha is called ‘ojas’ and distorted Kapha is called ‘sin”.

Types of Kapha Dosha:

There are five types of kapha dosha.

1) Tarpak Kapha: The location of this Kapha in the head. It helps the brain and sense organs perform their proper functions.

2) Bodhak kapha: This kapha is located in the tongue and esophagus. It helps with the taste of food.

3) Abalombak kapha: It is located in the heart. It helps the heart to function smoothly.

4) Kledak Kapha: It is located in the abdominal part of the body. When food is broken down into small particles by chewing and passing during eating, Kledaka Kapha provides moisture and fluidity to the food.

5) Slashok Kapha: Its location in all unstable joints. It gives firmness and strength to all the bones of the body.

Kapha dominant person has beautiful vision, strong body, beautiful hair, big and beautiful eyes, is a slow eater, has a sleepy nature, etc.

Commonly, there are diseases such as loss of appetite, feeling heavy, obesity, lethargy, loss of memory, pain in joints, etc. Kapha-dominant people are adversely affected by monsoons and winters.

That is, if the three elements of Vayu, Pitta, and Kapha exist in harmony inside the body and their coexistence is ensured, the body is healthy. In their chaos, diseases start in the body, and the body suffers. So the balance of all these metals is called ideal health.

(Note that I have taken the help of various articles from the internet to write about this topic.)

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