Amenorrhea cured by homeopathy treatment

Preliminary discussion: In today’s discussion, I will discuss what amenorrhoea is? Causes of amenorrhea? Symptoms of amenorrhea? Discuss homeopathic treatment and management of amenorrhoea.

What is Amenorrhea?

The absence of regular menstrual periods is called amenorrhea. 

Table Of Content:The absence of three periods in a row without natural causes is called amenorrhoea. That is, if menstruation stops due to a physical illness other than natural causes such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause, it is called amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea cured by homeopathy treatment
Amenorrhea Image

Types of amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is generally of two types.
1) Primary amenorrhea.
2) Secondary amenorrhea.

Primary Amenorrhea: Most girls start menstruating between the ages of 10 and 15. The average age is 12 years. A girl’s first period usually occurs within five years of breast development. If a girl does not start menstruation by the age of 15, it is called primary amenorrhea.

Secondary amenorrhoea: Women who have normal menstruation but have stopped menstruating due to physical illness. It is called secondary amenorrhea. Some people may stop menstruating for a long time in such cases.

Symptoms of amenorrhea:

The main symptoms of amenorrhea are the sudden cessation of regular menstrual periods and three menstrual cycles in a row. However, sometimes additional symptoms of physical illness appear.
For example-
1) There may be pain in the lower abdomen.
2) There may be a headache.
3) Acne may appear on the face.
4) A light type of beard and mustache may appear on the face (hirsutism).
5) Hair may fall out.
6) Glutinous discharge of milk may come out of the nipple.

Causes of amenorrhea:

Amenorrhea can occur due to various reasons. Some important factors are discussed below.
First of all, the natural causes of amenorrhoea are discussed.

Pregnancy: A woman’s pregnancy actually stops her period due to natural causes.

lactational amenorrhea: The mother may stop menstruating for the first 6 months or so after childbirth. This time may vary from person to person. This is due to hormonal changes during this time.

Menopause: When a person goes through menopause, his monthly periods stop naturally. On average, a woman experiences menopause, or climacteric change, around the age of 45.

All these natural reasons can cause a woman to stop menstruating, which is completely normal. Apart from all the other reasons that a woman may stop menstruating:

Contraceptive side effects: Different birth control methods and even oral contraceptives can sometimes stop menstruation as a side effect.

Side effects of medicine: The side effects of medicines used in some special treatments may stop menstruation, such as in cancer, after chemotherapy, etc. Menstruation may stop.

Menstruation can stop due to the side effects of depression Relief Medicine is used in the treatment of various mental disorders. Menstruation can be stopped as a side effect of medicines used for various types of allergy problems. Blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, etc
Menstruation may stop as a side effect of medicines used for

Due to Hormonal Imbalance: Menstruation may stop in some cases due to hormonal imbalances such as:
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Polycystic ovarian syndrome, (Pituitary Malfunction) If there is a problem with the pituitary gland, especially a pituitary tumor, monthly menstruation may stop.

Thyroid malfunction: Due to problems such as hyperactivity or an underactive thyroid gland, menstruation may stop temporarily.

Premature Menopause: Most women experience menopause between the ages of 48 and 50. However, there are some exceptions. Sometimes,  when the egg reserves in the ovaries of some women are over, menopause can be seen around the age of 40. These factors should be taken into account in the treatment of amenorrhoea.

Life Style Defects: The disease can appear due to some problems related to Lyfe style. Such as problems with body weight. Amenorrhea can be affected if the patient is overweight or underweight.

Overexertion: Menstruation can stop due to heavy exercise or strenuous exercise.

Mental anxiety: Due to various mental depressions, anxiety, fear, etc., events like the cessation of menstrual periods can occur.

Structural problems: If there is a structural defect in the female reproductive system, it can cause an absence of menstruation. For example, (congenital absence of uterus) Congenital absence of uterus, Congenital absence of fallopian tube, If there is any structural abnormality of the reproductive system, anatomical disposition, problem of ovulation, etc., the disease of amenorrhea can also be caused by various reproductive organ defects.

If there is any defect in the structure of the female reproductive organs, symptoms of other diseases, including amenorrhea may appear. Sometimes, if the front of the uterus is obstructed by an abnormal membrane, the menstrual bleeding cannot flow from the uterus, and amenorrhoea occurs.

Who is at higher risk of developing amenorrhoea:

Generally, women who have amenorrhoea are affected by the disease

The most common ones are:

Family history: If someone on the other female side of the family who is related by blood has the disease, they are at a higher risk of developing the disease.

Heavy work: The risk of developing amenorrhea is high with heavy work, overexertion, and strenuous exercise by athletes.

Pathological test to diagnose amenorrhoea:

Pregnancy test: Pregnancy should be checked for amenorrhoea before other tests.

Hormone test:
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Elevated levels indicate ovarian failure.
Luteinizing Hormone (LH): Abnormalities of this hormone indicate ovarian problems.
Estradiol: Low levels of the hormone indicate ovarian dysfunction.

Thyroid Function Tests:
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): Thyroid hormone abnormalities can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

Pelvic Ultrasound: Pelvic ultrasound can be used to check for abnormalities in the pelvic organs.

Genetic Testing: Primary amenorrhea may require genetic testing to identify any chromosomal abnormalities or genetic diseases.

MRI or CT Scan: An MRI or CT scan may be needed to look for any abnormalities of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and to look for central causes of amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea homeopathic treatment:

As always, homeopathic treatment is symptom-based. Same here. However, at the beginning of the treatment of amenorrhoea, it is necessary to understand the cause of the disease. Treatment should be conducted accordingly.

Sepia: If the symptoms are similar, its regular use is very beneficial in amenorrhoea.

Pulsatilla: First-class medicine in amenorrhoea. The patient is hot and thirsty.

Graphitis: The patient is obese and cold, the patient has an aversion to animal food, aversion to sweet food, discharge is sticky and dark. The patient is prone to skin diseases. In all these cases, the use of graphite will give very good results.

Lachesis: The patient is very hot, dreams of snakes a lot, and many times there may be problems with tonsillitis, All these symptoms are similar to the previous ones. If the medicine for Lachesis is used for amenorrhoea disease, very good results are obtained.

Phosphorus: The patient is a light-thin build, a fairly tall, slender body, a beautiful appearance, great interest in cold food like cold water, ice cream, and cold rings, and a great fear of lightning, These symptoms are similar. will be

Janashia Ashoka: The very good action of the medicine is seen when menstruation is suppressed, causing scanty menstruation. Janshia Ashoka medicine is taken in mother tincture form, mixed with water.

Senecio aureus: Although the medicine is shallow in nature if the menstrual period stops, it often cures the disease very well. The disease is cured by using the medicine when coughing up blood after cessation of menstruation or vomiting blood (millifolium) after cessation of menstruation.

Ferum Mur: Anemic amenorrhea may benefit from the use of this medicine. The medicine gives good results when used with low potency.

Calcaria Carb: If the medicine is applied to the metal of Calcarea Carb with the symptoms of obesity, chills, propensity to menses, etc., the disease of amenorrhea will be cured.

Natrum mur: Patient with physical weakness, the patient is hot, excessive appetite for salt or patient wants to eat salty food in large quantities, may have the problem of migraine (lateral headache), patient is more angry, increase in comfort, strong interest in bathing, etc. Amenorrhoea can be cured beautifully by using Netrum Mu.

Also, by judging the metallic symptoms of the patient, any homeopathic medicine can be selected for the patient, and very good action can be found.

Personal experience: The first question I have for a patient with amenorrhea is:

1) Has the patient had a pregnancy test?
If her pregnancy test report is negative, my second investigation is to find out that:

2) Is he taking any medicine regularly for the treatment of any other disease? Or has this problem started after taking any such medicine?

The third investigation consists of seeing that

3) Is the patient suffering from anemia? If the blood in the patient’s body is low, it can be understood by looking at the patient’s eyes and face. A pathological test of Hb% should be done to confirm anemia.

If the pathological test Hb% is within the normal range, it can be assumed that the patient has stopped menstruating due to some hormonal problem.

Along with this, if the patient has USG of the lower abdomen, it can be confirmed whether there is any defect, tumor, or cyst related to the reproductive system. If all clinical investigations and all pathological test reports are normal, then it should be assumed that amenorrhoea is caused by a systemic disorder or metallic problem. Many times, due to fear for some reason, many people stop menstruating.

Note: If the amenorrhoea is due to anemia, the patient should be advised to take adequate amounts of iron-rich food along with medication. (Iron-rich foods: green leafy vegetables, green leaves, kanchala, figs, banana mocha, kulekhara, currants, sajina leaves, raisins, etc.). Along with this, foods rich in calcium and vitamin D should be eaten in sufficient quantity.

Foods rich in calcium:

Foods rich in calcium: dairy (milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Buttermilk), fish (sardines (with bones), Salmon), Seeds and nuts (almonds, Chia seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds), beans (chickpeas, Lentils, White beans), fruits (orange, Dried figs, Kiwi)  cod liver Oil, Sunflower Seeds, etc.

It should always be noted that vitamin D is essential to increasing the body’s ability to absorb calcium. That is, if the body does not have enough vitamin D, it interferes with calcium absorption. That is, if there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, no matter how much calcium-rich food is eaten, it is prevented from being absorbed by the body. So besides eating foods rich in calcium, keep an eye on foods rich in vitamin D.

Foods rich in vitamin D:

Vitamin D is not found in a wide variety of foods naturally. The main source of vitamin D in the body is sunlight. Vitamin D3 is produced in our skin when the sun’s ultraviolet rays (Ultraviolet B rays) fall on the skin. It is then converted into vitamin D (Calcitriol) through the liver and kidneys. Sunlight is the most important natural source of vitamin D. Foods that contain very little vitamin D are: Fatty Fish: Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, and Trout. Cod liver oil: This is one of the richest sources of vitamin D. Egg Yolks: Eggs, especially the yolks, contain some vitamin D.
Many fortified foods contain vitamin D
milk, yogurt, cheese, soy, almonds, rice, etc.

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Dr. Dipankar Mondal
Registered Homeopath

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