What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) treatment


What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disease. In this disease, the patient’s muscles start to deteriorate due to muscle degeneration. Dystrophy is caused by changes in a type of protein that nourishes muscle cells. Basically, the disease usually starts in childhood, between the ages of two and three. Usually, boys are affected by this disease. This disease is very rare in girls.

Basically, muscle weakness and wasting are the main symptoms of this disease. Usually, the proximal muscles are the first to be affected and atrophied in this disease. Later, other muscles of the body are also gradually affected and begin to deteriorate. Jumping, running, standing up, and walking are defective in patients suffering from this disease. In addition, these children may have symptoms such as stunted growth, physical and mental development, and spinal curvature. At one stage, the heart and respiratory muscles are affected. As a result, heart problems, especially cardiomyopathy, can occur, and severe shortness of breath can occur.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) image
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) image

Who (DMD) has this disease:

Usually, male children get this disease. This disease is almost absent or rare in girls. It is not a hereditary disease. Anyone can develop this disease for a good reason, even if there is no family history of the disease.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy symptoms:

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease. One is more boys. The patient’s muscles become dry and weak. Some important symptoms of duchenne muscular dystrophy are given below:

Muscle weakness: The main symptom of this disease is muscle weakness. Symptoms usually appear in children between the ages of three and five. The first symptoms of the disease appear in the leg muscles. As a result, children with the disease may notice some defects in climbing stairs or similar activities or movements.

Walking problem: The child’s walking becomes difficult. A diseased child cannot learn to walk on time.

Scoliosis: Sometimes there is a problem like the curvature of the spine. Usually, the spine can bend forward.

Dyspnea: The patient feels generally unwell. As a result, many times breathing problems, weakness, etc. occur.

But keep in mind that these symptoms can be different for different children’s diseases.
Consult an experienced physician if necessary.

Diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy:

The disease can be easily diagnosed by evaluating the symptoms of the patient’s illness. Also, genetic tests, biopsy tests, etc can be done.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment:

Since Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder, no effective treatment has yet been discovered. However, treatment can be done to reduce the patient’s pain and relieve some of the symptoms. For this reason, the patient should be treated based on the symptom’s similarity.

Below are some of the treatments that can be used as needed:

Physiotherapy: As the patient develops muscle weakness and muscle wasting, physiotherapy can be used to maintain muscle strength.

Surgery: In severe cases where there is a problem like curvature of the spine, surgery may be required.

Assisted breathing equipment: If the patient has breathing problems, then any method that helps breathing should be used.

Homeopathic Treatment: Although the disease is incurable. No treatment is possible to fully cure it so far. However, homeopathic treatment can be continued to relieve distressing symptoms based on the presenting symptoms. In this case, the advice of an experienced homeopathic doctor can be taken.

However, it should be remembered that Duchenne muscular dystrophy should be treated under the advice of an experienced physician. A neuromuscular specialist can be consulted in this regard.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patient image
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patient image

Duchenne muscular dystrophy homeopathic treatment:

Homeopathy is a symptomatic treatment system, like other systemic diseases, the patient’s miasmatic symptoms, general symptoms, family history, and all other symptoms are combined with symptomatic treatment. Since the disease derives from a kind of destruction of muscle, the role of syphilitic miasm can be considered the main one behind it. And this syphilitic miasm combines with the psoriatic miasm to make the patient sick.
Therefore, in the case of this disease, antisyphilitic and antipsoric treatment should be done according to the patient’s physical and mental symptoms.

Adjunctive management of DMD disease:

The patient should have a balanced diet. The patient should be kept in a room full of natural light and air, and the patient should always be treated humanely. The patient should be given mental strength and behave cooperatively. Physiotherapy can be used to improve muscle function.

Read more:
Homeopathic treatment: An alternative medical method

Dr. Dipankar Mandala

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