Practice yogasana and it will change your life

 Introduction: Yogasana is a very old mental and physical strategic practice. It is a way of life where the body, mind, and soul are intertwined. It consists of a combination of various postures, breath control, and meditation.

What is Yogasana?

Yogasana, which helps to keep the body and mind healthy, comes from the Sanskrit words ‘yoga’ and ‘asana’. The Sanskrit word yoga means joining, and the word asana means sitting posture. That is, yoga is a physical posture in which the body, mind, and spirit unite.

Origin of Yogasana:

Yoga originated in India. It is known from various scriptures that this Yogasana has been practiced since the time of the Indus civilization. Archeological evidence has found some 5,000-year-old yogic figures sitting in yoga-like meditative postures. 

Table Of Content:The yogasana is mentioned in the 2000-year-old Patanjali’s Yogasutras and the 5,000-year-old Upanishads as religious texts. Even the Srimad Bhagavad Gita has many verses on yoga. Although the period of origin of yoga cannot be specified, all evidence suggests that it is a very ancient physical and mental practice technique.

Practice yogasana and it will change your life
Yogasana Image

Yogasana types:

There are different types of yoga. Mentioning some important yogas in particular:

Hatha Yoga: It is based on specific sadhanas and yoga practices for the well-being and concentration of the body and mind.

Ashtanga Yoga: This yoga system works by following eight concepts based on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Raja Yoga: Practicing Raja Yoga concentrates the mind. And when the mind is concentrated, knowledge is gained. Practicing Rajyoga involves internalizing the external movement of the mind. It has to be imposed on the mind by concentrating all the energies of the mind. Then the mind can read itself and thereby know its own nature. Then that power integrated into the mind can penetrate the mystery of its innermost province. Just as the darkness is dispelled by the manifestation of the sun, the darkness of the world is dispelled by the manifestation of knowledge, and knowledge is gained. The external world visible before us is the gross or subtle form of our inner world. Knowledge teaches us this.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are the most authoritative scriptures of Raja Yoga.

Jnana Yoga: Relates to spiritual liberation through the attainment of knowledge.

Karma Yoga: Talks about freedom from the bonds of karma by performing duty actions by relinquishing the results of karma.

Bhakti Yoga: Love is associated with devotional service to God.

Purpose of yoga:

The specific objectives with which yoga is practiced are:

1) Increase physical strength and endurance.
2) Gaining physical fitness.
3) Increases blood circulation in the body.
4) Strengthens muscles and bones.
5) Strengthens the body by increasing body muscles.
6) Reduces body weight and makes the body lean.
7) Love of God can be attained by attaining spiritual progress.
8) Increases digestion.
9) Increases immunity.

Yogasana benefits:

Regular practice of yoga can provide various physical and mental benefits, such as:

Physical Fitness: Practicing yoga increases the flexibility of various joints and muscles in the body. Improves digestion, increases blood circulation in the body, and boosts the body’s immune system.

Mental health: Practicing yoga helps reduce stress, depression, anxiety, etc. Regular intake calms the mind and improves memory.

Spiritual Development: Practicing yoga helps in gaining self-knowledge and spiritual development. Regular practice of yoga increases a person’s self-awareness. Helps to find spiritual joy.

Some Popular Yogasanas:

Surya Namaskar: It increases the activity of all organs and all muscles.

Vajrasana: Increases digestive power by increasing digestion.

Padmasana: Aids in meditation.

Shavasana: Calms and soothes the body and mind. Destroys fatigue. At the end of each asana, one should rest in Shavasana.

Bhujangasana: Maintains the flexibility of the spine.

Tailangasana: Strengthens the abdominal muscles. Prevents hernia.

Ardhakurmasana: Relaxes the body and calms the mind.

Here, it should be remembered that the same seat is not suitable for everyone. Asanas should be selected keeping in mind the physical and mental condition, preference, and purpose. It is best to consult with an instructor before starting yoga.

Tips for starting yoga:

It is a gurumukhi vidya. Things to keep in mind before starting a yoga practice:

Support of an experienced teacher: Starting yoga education with the support and supervision of an experienced teacher will make learning the postures easier and reduce the chances of any accidents or injuries in the initial stages.

Awareness of one’s limitations: If there is any physical defect or illness, it must be considered consciously.

Regular practice: Regular practice of yoga will bring the desired results.

Yoga technique:

Yoga is generally practiced using three techniques.

Asanas: Yoga is practiced through various physical postures.
Pranayama: Controlling the breath using the rhythm of the breath.
Meditation: Transcending the level of samadhi and becoming absorbed in meditation.

Precautions in yoga:

There are a few things that must be kept in mind while practicing yoga.

1) If there is any physical limitation, defect, or disease, it should be taken into consideration.
2) Yoga must be practiced under the supervision of an experienced and skilled instructor.
3) The level of practice should be increased slowly and gradually. That is, very difficult asanas cannot be practiced suddenly. It can cause physical harm.

Conclusion: Yoga exercise is of immense importance for a healthy and beautiful life. The secret of mental and physical peace is hidden in the health of the body. And physical fitness can come from proper and regular yoga. Regular practice of yoga provides physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and spiritual awareness. Yoga will transform your life with its positive transformative effects.

Dr. Dipankar Mandala.
Registered Homeopath.

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