Signs of a brain stroke? What to do if you have a brain stroke?

Preliminary Discussion: In today’s discussion, we will discuss brain strokes. How many types of strokes exist? Causes of stroke? Symptoms of stroke? Symptoms of a mini-stroke? What should you do if you have a stroke? Stroke treatment? I will also discuss some other important questions and answers about stroke.

What is a brain stroke?

A brain stroke is also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Brain cell damage or death occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted. This condition is called a stroke. Stroke can cause a variety of neurological symptoms, and stroke requires treatment as soon as possible.

Table Of Content:How many types of brain strokes exist?

There are mainly two types of stroke.

1) Ischemic stroke and
2) Hemorrhagic stroke

Ischemic stroke: A stroke that occurs due to a blood clot in the blood vessels of the brain is called an ischemic stroke.

Signs of a brain stroke? What to do if you have a brain stroke?
Brain stroke image

Hemorrhagic stroke: Bleeding in the brain due to rupture of blood vessels is called hemorrhagic stroke. Strokes occur for a variety of reasons. But every stroke does the same thing: it blocks blood flow to the brain. This results in potential damage to brain cells.

Causes of brain stroke?

High blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke. Other significant factors include diabetes, excess cholesterol, obesity, smoking, end-stage renal disease, and atrial fibrillation, all of these together increase the risk of stroke by affecting vascular disease, blood clotting disorders, and cardiac conditions.

The causes of stroke can be divided into two main categories.

Causes of ischemic stroke:

Thrombotic stroke: An ischemic stroke is caused by a blood clot blocking one of the arteries that supply blood to the brain.

Embolic stroke: It usually originates from another part of the body, such as the heart or a large artery. Blood clots travel through the bloodstream and lodge in blood vessels, blocking blood flow to the brain. Stroke severity varies depending on the location and size of the blockage.

Causes of hemorrhagic stroke:

Intracerebral hemorrhage: This occurs when a blood vessel inside the brain bursts.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage: Caused by bleeding in the space between the brain and the surrounding membranes.

Symptoms of brain stroke?

Common symptoms of stroke are:

1) Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arms, and legs, especially on one side of the body.

2) Sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding speech.

3) Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes.

4) Sudden, severe headache without any particular reason.

5) Dizziness, loss of balance, or difficulty walking.

One or more of these problems can also be seen as symptoms of a mini-stroke. If the problem is small, the severity of the symptoms will be less.

Briefly, the initial symptoms of stroke are- sudden numbness, difficulty speaking, visual disturbance, severe headache, difficulty walking, etc.

What should you do if you have a brain stroke?

The following steps should be taken immediately if a person has symptoms of a stroke:

Call emergency health services: A person with symptoms of stroke should call an emergency medical service center immediately to get medical help.

Note the time: Note when the stroke symptoms started. This information is very important in making treatment decisions.

Keep the patient calm: Keep the patient as calm as possible while waiting for medical help.

Support breathing: If the patient has difficulty breathing, make sure the airway is clear. Give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if necessary during the waiting period.

Appropriate transportation: Remember to never attempt to drive the patient to the hospital under these circumstances. Be sure to seek the help of emergency medical professionals. Take care not to disturb the patient on the way to the hospital.

Remember, timing is very important here. The sooner the patient can be taken to the hospital, the better the patient’s chances of recovery are.

Treatment of brain stroke:

Treatment of stroke depends on whether the stroke is ischemic or hemorrhagic.

Treatment of ischemic stroke:

1) Clot-busting medication (tPA): This is a clot-blasting medication used primarily in the treatment of ischemic stroke. This medicine is most effective if used within a maximum of 4.5 hours.

2) Mechanical thromboplasty: A method of physically removing the blood clot. A CT scan or MRI is required to confirm the presence and location of a blood clot in the brain before using this procedure.

Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke:

1) Surgery: Depending on the cause of the stroke, surgery may be needed to repair or remove the blood vessels.

2) Bleeding control: Medicines and other measures are taken to control the bleeding and reduce pressure on the brain.

Brain stroke patient food list:

The food list for stroke patients should be done very consciously. Diet selection is critical to disease management and the overall health recovery of a stroke patient. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber should be included in the brain stroke patient’s diet. Grains that can be eaten whole without peeling will provide more fiber. No food should be included in the patient’s diet, which increases the patient’s risk of having another stroke. Below is a standard brain stroke patient food list.

Signs of a brain stroke? What to do if you have a brain stroke?
Brain stroke image 2

Lean proteins such as chicken, duck, and fish are very good for muscle recovery and physical strength. Choose healthy fats to maintain heart health.
Below is a list of healthy fat sources:

Avocado: Is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
Olive oil: Is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants.
Nuts: (almonds, walnuts) Are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and various nutrients.
Seeds: (chia seeds, flaxseeds) are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Coconut oil: contains some health benefits but contains little triglycerides.
Fatty fish: (salmon, mackerel) contain sufficient amounts of omega-3 and are beneficial for heart health.
Flaxseed Oil: Flaxseed oil is a vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Eggs: Healthy fats are found in eggs (in moderation). It can be found, especially in egg yolks.

Including these healthy fats in a Stoke patient’s diet can contribute to the overall health of the disease. A physician’s advice must be obtained for a personal consultation.

Homeopathic treatment of brain stroke:

Aconite: Aconite is used for symptomatic relief. It is used in symptoms of sudden terrible attacks, excessive thirst, fear of death, etc.

Baryta carb: This drug is used symptomatically in unilateral paralysis where hemorrhage has occurred.

Kali Brom: A sudden rupture of a blood vessel in the brain causes bleeding, and the patient becomes unconscious.

Opium: Cerebral hemorrhage; obstruction of breathing after stroke, the patient lies down. The patient becomes slightly unconscious, and the eyes are half open.

Pituitarynum: A drug widely used in cerebral hemorrhagic stroke. It helps absorb blood pressure. Stroke due to high blood pressure.

Zincum Met: Works well in cerebral stroke; chronic brain disability, and paralysis of the brain.

Hyoscyamus: Cerebral hemorrhage with involuntary bowel movements and urination.

Glonoin: Brain stroke due to prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Also, the symptoms can be similar to those of any homeopathic medicine. Medicines should be selected only after taking a complete case of the patient.

Now we will discuss some more common questions and answers related to stroke.

Question: 1) Does stroke occur at low blood pressure?

Answer: Although strokes are often associated with high blood pressure, they can also occur in people with low blood pressure. Low blood pressure, or hypotension, can reduce blood flow to the brain, leading to an ischemic stroke. However, strokes associated with low blood pressure are much less common than those associated with high blood pressure.

Question: 2) Primary management of stroke: What to do immediately if stroke occurs?

Answer: The patient should be transported as soon as possible to a hospital that has facilities for stroke treatment, and thrombolytic therapy. ‘Time means brain’; this should be remembered every moment for stroke patients. This is because 1.9 million neurons in the brain are destroyed every minute in a stroke patient. So as time passes, the brain damage will continue to increase.

Eminent neurologist, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Medical University Professor Dr. Subhash Kanti Dey, reported international data: “If someone comes to the hospital within three hours of having a stroke, 32 out of 100 patients can recover and return to normal activities. If you can come to the hospital within an hour, 16 out of 100 patients can return to normal activities. And if the patient comes to the hospital within three hours, the percentage of recovery will increase. If someone can come to the hospital within 30 minutes after the stroke, their chances of recovery will increase manifold. There will be much more chances of a full recovery.”.

Question: 3) Many people have strokes while sleeping. What should I do in their case?

Answer: Many patients have strokes in their sleep. In these cases, the patient should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible when they recognize the symptoms of stroke.

Knowing the exact time of the stroke is very important. Since the stroke occurred during sleep, the time of the stroke is not known. In all these cases, it is necessary to estimate how long the patient has been well. Since the exact time is not known in this case, the help of imaging has to be obtained. such as a CT scan or MRI. If someone has a stroke while sleeping, as soon as it is understood, without wasting time, the patient should be taken to the hospital where stroke treatment is available.

You know what? Patients with cancer, kidney, and liver cirrhosis, paralyzed by stroke, congenital heart disease, and thalassemia can request financial assistance from the Bangladesh government. Fill out the application form to apply to the Bangladesh government.

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Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath.

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