Tuberculosis details and homeopathic treatment

 Preliminary discussion: In today's post, I will discuss the symptoms, causes, remedies, and treatment of tuberculosis. But let's get into the main discussion.

Description of Tuberculosis:

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis usually occurs in the lungs. Bone and joint TB, Intestinal TB, Kidney TB, Meningitis TB, Scrofulosis, etc. Different types of TB are seen but usually lung tuberculosis is more common. 

Table Of Conten:Tuberculosis can occur in any part of our body. However, the attack of tuberculosis on these three organs, the heart, pancreas, and thyroid gland is sporadic.

Lungs Image
Lungs Image

Tuberculosis signs and symptoms:

Tuberculosis usually has 2 stages. One is the tubercular stage called latent TB. In this condition, the disease is in a dynamic stage. In this condition, tuberculosis germs have entered the body but have not yet developed any pathology. So the pathological test report will be normal. Only clinical observation will reveal some signs of tuberculosis in the patient's body. For example, the patient may have a fever in the afternoon. There may be a slight cough. I was feeling weak etc.

Another is Active Tuberculosis. When the pathological investigation reveals tuberculosis. The tubercular stage progresses to tuberculosis.

The main symptoms of tuberculosis are:

Constant cough: A persistent cough for a long time (lasting more than three weeks) may cause a cough with mucus. Sometimes blood can be coughed up.

Regular fever: Fever occurs more or less every day. Usually in the afternoon or at night, the body feels a mild fever. Fever is usually not very hot. But there must be an attack of fever more or less regularly.

Unexpected weight loss: In tuberculosis, the patient is physically very dry. The patient continues to lose weight.

Decreased appetite: The patient's appetite decreases. There is a feeling of distaste in the face. This is also one of the causes of disease weight loss.

Fatigue and Weakness: The patient feels constantly tired and weak.

Night Sweat: Sometimes the patient may sweat profusely during sleep.

Chest pain: In many cases, the patient may experience chest and throat pain due to lung infection and cough.

Tuberculosis does not occur when the germs enter the body. People with weak immune systems are affected by tuberculosis. Tuberculosis can spread from the lungs to other organs such as the central nervous system, meninges, pleura, lymphatic system, reproductive system, bones, etc. This condition is called extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and extrapulmonary tuberculosis may coexist in many patients.

How does tuberculosis spread?

Tuberculosis is an airborne infectious disease. Germs spread in the air from the sneezes, coughs, spits, etc. of a tuberculosis patient. The germs can survive in the air for several hours and can be breathed into the lungs of others and cause infection. In this case, those who have weak immune systems, have had any lung infection in the past, smokers or people with diabetes, etc. have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis.

Pathological Investigation For TB:

Various pathological tests can be done to diagnose TB. For example-

1) Skin test

2) Blood test

3) Cough test

4) X-ray

The Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) test is done as a blood test to diagnose TB. This test measures the immune system's response to TB antigens. Sputum Smear and Sputum Culture can be used to diagnose tuberculosis in the case of a phlegm test. Sputum Smear is used to examine the mucus using a microscope. The test provides quick results but may not always provide definitive results. Sputum Culture can detect tuberculosis, but it takes a relatively long time to do this test.

Chest X-rays provide images of the lungs and check for any abnormalities in the lungs. Also, as advanced investigation, Bronchoscopy (Bronchoscopy) and biopsy (Biopsy Molecular Test) can be done according to the severity and need of the disease.

Prevention of tuberculosis:

By taking several awareness measures we can prevent tuberculosis by preventing the disease. They are discussed below-

1) BCG vaccination should be given to the child at a specific time after birth.

2) Tuberculosis germs are spread from the sneezes and spits of tuberculosis patients, so a tuberculosis patient should use a handkerchief or any such protection to sneeze or cough. Do not spit anywhere.

Be aware of close contact or association with TB patients. If you are in the habit of smoking, give it up. This will improve your overall health and lung health. To boost the body's immune system, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and avoid stress.

Regular exercise keeps the body and mind healthy and builds physical resistance against various diseases.

Homeopathic treatment of Tuberculosis:

At one time it was said by word of mouth "He who has cancer, he does not have protection". That is, the death of tuberculosis was certain then. Later, by using different anti-tuberculosis antibiotics, success can be achieved in the treatment of tuberculosis. Currently, tuberculosis is a completely curable disease.

Tuberculosis Image
Tuberculosis Image

However, after the discovery of homeopathy in 1796 as an alternative treatment system, successful treatment of tuberculosis became possible.

Since the discovery of homeopathy, many tuberculosis patients have been saved by this treatment. But now it is possible to cure tuberculosis completely by allopathic treatment.

Homeopathic medicines must be selected with awareness in case of terminal diseases like tuberculosis. Medicines should be selected by the overall symptoms as carefully as possible. If symptoms are similar to tuberculosis, these homeopathic medicines should be considered:

The arsenic album, Bryonia alba, Apis mel, Rhus Toxicodendron, Rheumex, Tuberculinum, Silicea, Hypersulph, Phosphorus, Natrum mur, etc.

Any other medicine from the homeopathic materia medica can be selected for a tuberculosis patient if the symptoms are similar.

Conclusion: In this post, we have learned in detail about the causes, symptoms, and homeopathic treatment of tuberculosis. Although tuberculosis is a serious health problem, it can be completely cured with proper treatment.

I wish everyone a healthy and beautiful life.

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