Prevent heart attack and heart blockage-Dr. Bimal Chhajer. Episode-1

My words: Dr. Bimal Chajer, founder of “Soul Heart Program” is working tirelessly to motivate and create awareness among the public to prevent heart attacks and heart blockages. Some of his important video lectures are available on YouTube. I have posted a video recording of his commentary on Heart Blockage and Heart Attack from YouTube in written form right here to raise awareness among the public.

I will publish his speech given in the video in 3 parts continuously on this blog. All are invited to read these serial episodes. May we all be victorious in preventing heart attacks and heart blockages.

Heart Attack Image
Heart Attack Image

Briefly, the topics that can be known from this text are:

Symptoms of heart attack, heart attack, symptoms of heart attack, why heart attack occurs, symptoms of heart block, how to remove heart block, symptoms of heart block, how to avoid heart block, food for heart block patients, how to remove heart block without surgery Many other things including way, etc.

Dr. Bimal Chhajer Sir's statement:

What is the size of the heart?

Answer: 300 grams. Like an apple What is the work of the heart?

A. Pumping.

What will pump?

A. Who is the blood?


A. It will pump the blood throughout the body. How often does the heart pump?

A. Pumps 72 times in 1 minute. 4,300 times in 1 hour. 100,000 times in 24 hours. Remember that all of your hearts will pump 1 lakh times in the next 24 hours.

Well, it can be given a break? Two minutes?

A. No. If the brake is applied, the patient will die immediately. Remember the heart will pump 100,000 times a day for as long as you want to live.

A tube 1 inch thick leaves the heart and supplies blood to the entire body. For example, water tanks are placed on top of buildings. A pipe comes out from there. And that pipe supplies water to one bathroom to the kitchen in the whole building. Such a heart is also distributed throughout the body first to the right hand, then to the brain, then to the left hand.

The tube turned. Go and enter the back of the heart. From there it supplied the chest and came to the stomach. The stomach will supply the stomach first. Then the liver will supply. Will supply both kidneys. Then the small intestine will supply the large intestine. Then who will supply the two legs? This means, that once the heart pumps, the blood reaches the whole body. This is the work of the heart. And the whole body gets oxygen from this blood.

Well, when the heart gives blood to the whole body, do you need oxygen for yourself? Or not needed?

A. Heart also needs oxygen for itself. And where will this oxygen come from? When the heart supplies blood to the whole body, it takes three tubes for itself. The name of these three tubes is the coronary artery. On the right side, it is called the right coronary artery (RCA). And two divisions on the left side. First, a tube will emerge, then it will divide into two. One went backwards. Another came forward. The one that comes in the front is called Left anterior descending (LAD). And the rear LCX.

The heart receives blood from these three tubes.

And you know what heart disease means? This means fat/fat/cholesterol accumulates inside these three tubes and gradually the blood supply to the heart decreases. This is called heart disease. And the day this blood supply stops, the heart will also stop. A heart attack occurs. And this disease is now the biggest in the world.

How thick are these tubes?

A. The heart tube is three to four millimeters as children write in pencil.

Well, think about how many days it will take to create a blockage in this heart tube. A week? A month! a year? Five years?

A. It will take years.

When will the blockage begin?

A. The blockage will not start as soon as the baby is born. A child will be born. It will increase gradually. There is no harm in eating fat as long as it increases. At the age of 18-20, the growth will stop. Then there is no need for extra fat. Because that extra fat will go inside our body and deposit there. People will become fat, and blockages will form inside. Keep in mind that this blockage starts at the age of 18 to 20 years and a person comes to know that he is a heart patient at the age of 60 years.

How many years did that mean?

A. That means it took him 40 years to know the blockage.

Now 50% is closed but the patient has no pain. Why not suffer? Because 50% is still left to him. This 50% of his blood will be abundant. It should be remembered that our heart needs only 10%, 20%, and 30% of these three types.

Why do you think?

1) Our heart needs 10% when people are sitting.

2) 20% when you start walking.

3) And when running then 30%.

If there is 50% blockage then 50 is open. The patient will be able to run. He will have no trouble. The day the patient crosses the 70% blockage, the pain starts. Why? That heart needs 10, 20 and 30 percent blood.

That day the patient will come and say sir if I keep running then my chest will hurt.

Blockage above 80 if chest pain if I go for a walk.

If there is pain when going to the bathroom, it means blockage above 90.

Remember that heart patients will not understand the blockage until 70 - they will be able to run.

Well, when the patient came and said, when I go for a run, I get chest pain. Shortness of breath. My throat feels like choking. Then I find out that the patient has blockage above 70. And on the day when walking, the same pain, that pain (the words of this pain is called angina pectoris) can discuss the block above 80.

Well, think about one thing when the patient will reach me? Before 70 or after 80? A patient will come to me after 80 and say, Sir, I am having angina. I am suffering This is heart disease.

Well, suppose the blockage starts in 20 years. And at the age of 60, he came to know that he was a heart patient. So how many years did it take? That means it took 40 years to build this blockage. 80% blockage in 40 years. That means this blockage will increase by 2 percent every year.

Heart disease means that there is a blockage in the heart's blood supply. Gradually the blood supply to the heart decreases.

What tests can be done to catch this blockage?

1) CT Angiography: A CT scan of the heart similar to a CT scan of the brain without inserting a wire. This test can be done in just two minutes at a very low cost. Without any cuts. This is the best. (Not many doctors admit)

2) Normal Angiography: It has to be done by inserting the wire. This is also not completely accurate.

No test is accurate for blockage. It is called 70, 80, 90.

Heart attack and heart blockage image
Heart attack and heart blockage image

What's the worst that could happen to the blockage?

A. The worst can be a heart attack. It is called cardiac arrest. In our medical language, it is called coronary thrombosis (coronary thrombosis) or acute myocardial infarction. Anyway, don't go to that term. Think of it as a heart attack.

What does a heart attack mean?

Just think about what is the suffering of heart attack patients. The pain is a lot of pain in the chest. He has shortness of breath. Choking It will not be walking. It will be difficult to sit. Think if someone gets chest pain while sitting. Shortness of breath while sitting and sweating, then think it is a heart attack.


He needs a 10% blood supply while sitting. Not even that.

What does that mean? The blockage is approximately 100 percent! A heart attack means blockage 100%. You know it takes very little time to get this 100% blockage. A heart attack patient was walking around yesterday, and today he had a heart attack. It takes 1 minute to have a heart attack.

Well, how does this heart suddenly become where it needs 100% blockage?

If someone has 80 blockages and has to do 100% then it should take 10 years to increase by 2 percent. So what causes this heart attack?

See that there is a curtain over the blockage in the heart. This screen is called the epithelial membrane. And if the blockage increases, then understand what will happen to the screen. The curtain will gradually tighten and one day the curtain will tear as the curtain is stretched. And as soon as you know how? Some chemicals are released from here. And the blood is mixed with it and the blood coagulates. And when the blood clots, it is called a clot. And if a clot came here, how many blockages? Think you? It's 100% done. This is called a heart attack. Do you understand how long this heart attack took? How long does it take for clotting to occur?

Why is the clot?

A. Chemical release is called.

Why is the chemical released?

A. Because the curtain is torn.

Why tear the screen?

A. The blockage was increasing.

It means that if the heart patient continues to increase the blockage, the curtain will tear one day. A heart attack will happen.

My comment:

Talented doctor to prevent heart attack and heart blockage. This initiative and work effort of Bimal Chhajer deserves greatness and praise. If we can understand his suggestions and follow them as much as possible, we can hope that we will not have all these heart diseases.

Wishing everyone a healthy, beautiful, and happy life.

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