Essence of Alumina from homeopathic meteria medica


Essence of Alumina homeo medicine:

Alumina medicine is called aconite of chronic disease in homeopathy. Alumina can act in the deeper regions of the body. Deep-acting homeopathic remedies are always slow in action. Alumina is a chilly class medicine. The dullness of the mind and the dullness of the body finally take the form of paralysis. The biological heat of the body is always low. The body lacks biological heat or low body temperature. (Calcaria carb, Silicea).

Mind of Alumina:

Melancholy, anxiety about the future, preoccupation, and feelings of helplessness are especially present in the patient. His anxiety about the future is so strong that if he is informed while eating that someone is waiting for him outside, he quickly finishes his meal with all kinds of imaginary worries. During this mental engagement, an hour seems like six hours to him! Time does not pass.

Essence of Alumina from homeopathic meteria medica
Alumina Image

The mind is always busy with confusing thoughts. The patient is highly suspicious of his existence and surroundings. Continuing like this, the patient sometimes becomes very irritable and excessively angry.

Alumina Skin Symptoms:

A feeling of dryness over the whole body and skin is a characteristic symptom of Alumina. The skin of alumina patients feels a sensation of dry feeling of egg white sticking to the mouth or a spider’s web on the mouth.

Like Agaricus, Alumina also produces a tingling sensation as insects walk on the skin. Its skin is sweatless and dry. Eczema is aggravated in winter and by the heat of the bed (Sulphur). With or without skin eruptions, the patient cannot tolerate covering at all. Although the patient has chilly. The itching is greatly increased by the warmth of the bed.

As the skin is dry, even the slightest itching causes the skin to tear, bleed, and crust over. Skin eruptions of alumina patients are always dry. There is no juice or pus in it. feeling a sensation like walking insects over the skin. Itching or skin diseases increase in winter. Due to the dryness of the skin, the patient with alumina wants to bathe frequently. Hair and nails become brittle due to dryness. Alumina itching mostly has no eruption.

Alumina Constipation:

The stool of alumina is very dry and hard like a ball, causing the anus to tear and bleed. The patient does not have a bowel movement or the desire to have a bowel movement until there is an accumulation of a large amount of stool in the rectum. Heavy tensmus. Often for rectal inactivity (Anacardium, Platina, Viratrum, Sil) even if the stool is soft, it requires a lot of straining during bowel movements.

Alumina is a good remedy for constipation in children raised on artificial milk instead of mother’s milk. Alumina is a useful remedy in constipation of old people (Lycopodium, Opium) in dysfunction of the mother’s rectum during pregnancy (Sipia). Very dry constipation. During defecation, a separate urging is also required for urinating. Feces are easier when standing like causticum. However, causticum does not need a lot of straining to defecate like alumina.

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Leucorrhoea of alumina:

Profuse vaginal white discharge. This burning type of discharge is so profuse that it runs down to the ankles. It is similar to kreosote in its burning nature. Again it is equivalent to Syphilinnum in abundance of discharge. During the day, discharges increase with exertion and circulation.

The patient is very weak, pale, and anemic. Menstruation is very delayed and scanty in quantity. (N C Ghosh). Terrible weakness after menses (M. Bhattacharya) Carbo animalis, Coculus indica) H C Allen.

In old nasal colds, spermatorrhoea in old people, and pharyngeal pain (enlargement of the uvula, cough, aphonia, dryness of throat) the patient is more thirsty. All irritants like salt, pepper, alcohol, chill, vinegar, etc. cause cough.

Taste of Alumina:

Due to the peculiar taste of Alumina, it likes or eats tea or coffee powder, clay, coal, acid, cloves, broken clay cups, etc.

Equivalence of baryta carb and conium in diseases of the old person (HC Allen)

Severe weakness (gels)

Aggravation: In the heat of bed(dermatitis), every day, every full moon and new moon (silica), In the weather, on cold days, on artificial food, eating potatoes, in the morning after menses and after breaking sleep (increased headache and mental symptoms).

Amelioration: After bathing in cold water, the affected area is washed with water, hot food, and drink in the throat problem, on mild hot days.

Duration of action: The duration of action of alumina is about 40 to 60 days. The action is slow, so the medication cannot be changed quickly.

Read more:
Leucorrhoea treatment homeopathy

Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath

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