Thyroid symptoms and treatment with homeopathy

Introduction: In today’s post, I will discuss thyroid as much as possible. What is the thyroid? What are the types of thyroiditis? Thyroid symptoms? Ways to reduce thyroid hormone? I will discuss the issues in detail.

What is goiter?

Enlargement of the thyroid gland due to abnormal secretion of thyroid hormone is called goiter. Sometimes hypothyroidism is seen instead of goiter. In that case, the thyroid gland of the neck is not enlarged. 

Tale Of Content:That is, nothing can be understood by looking at the throat. But other symptoms appear physically.

Thyroid symptoms and treatment with homeopathy
Thyroid gland image

What are the types of goiter?

There are different types of goiter. Among them, the most common ones are:

Colloidal goiter: This is a very common and benign goiter. It occurs when there is a problem in the colloidal formation of the thyroid gland. This type of goiter does not affect the production of thyroid hormones. It has no side effects. There are many follicles in the thyroid gland. Colloidal goiter is the accumulation of fluid in these follicles. That juice is colloids. It is sticky. These colloids are used in making pen ink. Common toothpastes contain these colloids.

Nodular Goitre: Nodes or lumps develop within the thyroid gland. As a result, partial enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs. They can be single or multiple. and can be solid and fluid-filled. Nodular goiter can affect thyroid hormone production.

Multinodular goiter: Multiple modules are also present in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is moderately enlarged.

Toxin multinodular goiter: It is also called Toxic nodular goiter. It consists of multiple modules within the thyroid gland. TMG but nodules are overactive and produce too much thyroid hormone, especially thyroxine (Thyroxin-T4). As a result, excess thyroid hormone circulates in the body, and symptoms associated with hypothyroidism occur.

Cystic goiter: It is called Thyroid cyst or Colloid cyst. Refers to a fluid-filled sac or cyst within the thyroid gland. Cystic goiter can be caused by various reasons such as:

Cystic goiter can be caused by female blockage of the thyroid gland, accumulation of colloid or other fluid inside existing nodules or adenomas, or degeneration or change of solid thyroid nodules.

Solid goiter: Solid goiter is not a cystic or fluid-filled area but solid or hard tissue. It affects the production of thyroid hormones.

Uniform goitre: It has no goitre-like swelling in the throat. No morphological or abnormal changes are seen in the neck. That area of the throat looks normal. It affects the production of thyroid hormones.

Details of Thyroid:

The thyroid gland is on both sides of the trachea in front of our throat. Its three parts:

1) Left lobe
2) Right lobe
3) connecting isthmus.

The two lobes of this gland are connected by an isthmus. Two hormones called T4 and T3 are secreted from this gland. Both T4 and T3 hormones are produced by the pituitary gland in the brain.

T4 = Thyroxine.
TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone.

These T4 and T3 hormones help the body utilize iodine. Also performs general metabolism, nervous system, body structure, etc.

The portion of the brain that influences the pituitary gland is called the hypothalamus.

When the amount of thyroid hormone in the body decreases, TRH (Thyrotropin-releasing hormone) hormone is released from the hypothalamus. It acts on the pituitary gland. As a result, TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) is released from this pituitary gland. This TSH acts on the thyroid gland.

Then T4 and T3 hormones are produced from the follicular cells in the thyroid gland.

The ideal ratio of T4 to T3 hormones in the blood is 14:1. That is, the major portion is T4. But the interesting thing is that when thyroid hormones work in a cell, it works in T3 form. That is, when the T4 hormone enters the cell, it is converted into T3 form. And finally, it works on the DNA materials inside the cell.

If for any reason the production of T4, and T3 hormones from the thyroid gland is increased, it is called hyperthyroidism. In the case of a goiter, iodine injection should be given or the patient should be given plenty of iodine-rich food. Both lobes of the gland are swollen. The body becomes very thin. The eyes widened. In some cases, eyelash and hair loss is seen. Calcium deficiency and bone weakness occur.

For some reason, if a tumor is formed inside the thyroid gland and if it is non-cancerous, then it is called Thyroid adenoma. And if it is cancerous then it is called Thyroid carcinoma.

Thyroid Diagnosis:

Physical examination, USG, CT Scan, and Sometimes FNAC(Fine needle aspiration psychology/biopsy) to rule out any malignant cells within the cyst.

The primary thyroiditis thyroid gland is inactive as a result production of T4 and T3 decreases.
Due to the secondary dysfunction of the pituitary gland, T4, T3 hormones, and TSH also decrease.

Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid gland cannot produce enough thyroid hormones (T3, T4) the condition is called hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism conditions decrease T4(Thyroxine) and T3(Triiodothyronine). Weight gain, fatigue, coldness, and depression are the main symptoms of Hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism: In Hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. T4 and T3 hormones increase. Weight loss, increased heart rate, anxiety, and irritability are the main symptoms.

Without any direct problem of the thyroid gland, if TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) is produced more by the Pituitary gland, or hypothyroidism is caused by excess TRH (Thyroid-releasing hormone) by the Hypothalamus, It is called secondary thyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease:

“Graves Disease” is an autoimmune condition where TSI (Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin) antibodies stimulate the thyroid gland to produce an excessive amount of thyroid hormone.

That is, TSI levels are high, a common symptom of hypothyroidism.


Hypothyroidism: Low levels of T4 and T3, resulting in an underactive thyroid.

Hyperthyroidism: High levels of T4 and T3, resulting in an overactive thyroid.

Secondary hypothyroidism: Excessive thyroid hormone production due to factors outside the thyroid gland, such as increased TSH or TRH levels.

TSH: Thyroid stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

TSI: Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin, and antibody associated with ‘Graves disease’.

TRH: Thyrotropin-releasing hormone- released by the hypothalamus.

Causes and symptoms of hypothyroidism:

1) ‘Graves Disease’ is an auto-immune disease in which our body mistakenly attacks our own thyroid gland.

2) Thyroid nodules: If nodules are produced in the thyroid gland (Non-Cancerous/Cancerous), excess thyroid hormone can be produced.

3) Thyroiditis: Viral or immune system disorders can lead to hyperthyroidism due to increased production of hormones.

4) Excessive iodine intake: Hyperthyroidism can be caused by taking excess iodine through food or medicine.

As a result, the production of thyroid hormones increases. It is a common cause of hypothyroidism.

Dry skin: Skin will suddenly become dry.

Weight gain: Weight gain will occur suddenly. Hair fall- Hair, eyebrows, etc. may fall suddenly.

Weakness: Sudden feeling of extreme weakness.

Oedema or fluid retention: This is a symptom of hypothyroidism.

Amenorrhea: Hypothyroidism can be suspected if there are at least 3 menstrual cycles or missed periods, usually without pregnancy.

Constipation: As Thyroid hormone is less produced, bowel movement or peristalsis hormone is reduced and constipation can develop in some cases.

Depression: Depression is a symptom of Hypothyroidism.

  1. Enlarged thyroid gland (Goitre)
  2. Increase heart rate and palpitation.
  3. Hit intolerance and excessive sweating.
  4. Changes in menstrual patterns in women.
  5. Unexplained weight loss despite increased appetite.
  6. Increased Bible movements or diarrhea.
  7. Difficulty sleeping
  8. Tremors or trembling hands.
  9. Anxiety, restlessness, and irritability.
  10. Ways to reduce thyroid:

If someone has elevated thyroid hormones, there are usually two methods that can be used to reduce it. Some medications need to be taken continuously. Another hypothyroid remedy is homeopathic treatment. Proper constitutional homeopathic treatment can cure thyroiditis permanently.

Any homeopathic potency medicine including Thyroidinum, Iodine, Natrium mur, Pituitarynum, etc. can cure hypothyroidism if the remedy is selected constitutionally.

Thyroidinum, Pituitarynum, Natrum mur, Thyroidinum, Iodium, Thuja, Spongia, and any other medicine selected according to the symptoms can cure hyperthyroidism. Some may decide to undergo thyroid surgery after not finding the right way to shrink the thyroid. But I would say before deciding on a surgical process, try conservative treatment first, especially homeopathic treatment.

Hypothyroidism occurs most commonly in women. In allopathic treatment, synthetic T4, and T3 hormones are given in this case and hormone tests are often required. Medicines cannot be started or stopped at will. But in this case, as a way to reduce the thyroid, you have to take medicine for the rest of your life.

Note: Regular monitoring is sufficient where the thyroid gland is not enlarged or asymptomatic. However, if it affects some disease symptoms and thyroid gland performance, and if it does not go away with medicine, then it can be treated with various medications such as hormone replacement therapy, and radioactive iodine therapy.

If necessary, the entire or partial thyroid gland can be removed by surgical operation (Thyroidectomy). But try homeopathic treatment at least once before deciding on surgery. There are many instances of thyroid healing by homeopathic treatment, I have seen it in my own experience.

Conclusion: The above discussion about thyroid-related problems, symptoms of sick thyroid, and ways to reduce thyroid, etc. is for informational and informative discussion only. If you have any problems related to thyroiditis, you must consult an experienced doctor.

Follow a healthy lifestyle, and be healthy every day.

Dr. Dipankar Mandala.
Registered Homeopath.

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