How to remove heart block without surgery-Dr. Bimal Chhajer. Episode-2

My words: Dr. Bimal Chajer, founder of “Soul Heart Program” is working tirelessly to motivate and create awareness among the public to prevent heart attacks and heart blockages. Some of his important video lectures are available on YouTube. I have posted a video recording of his commentary on Heart Blockage and Heart Attack from YouTube in written form right here to raise awareness among the public.

I will publish his speech given in the video in 3 parts in a continuous manner on this blog. All are invited to read these serial episodes. May we all be victorious in preventing heart attacks and heart blockages.

Heart Blockage Image
 Heart Blockage Image

Briefly, the topics that can be known from this text are:

Symptoms of heart attack, heart attack, symptoms of heart attack, why heart attack occurs, symptoms of heart block, how to remove heart block, symptoms of heart block, how to avoid heart block, food for heart block patients, how to remove heart block without surgery Ways, prevention of brain stroke, etc.

Previous part: Prevent heart attack and heart blockage. Bimal Chhajer. Episode-1

Since then:

So you think, what should be done so that a heart attack does not happen? A patient asked Bimal Chhajer, sir, what should be done?

Then Bimal Sir said,

You tell me, there is a bouquet of notes. It has a rubber band. I'm going to insert the note. I am entering. So what about the rubber band?

The rubber band will tear!

Now tell me what to do without leaving the rubber band?

Sir, are you going to insert notes now?

I am entering. The rubber band may tear.

Haven't quit yet?

No haven't left yet

So sir stop inserting notes now.

What does that mean? If you stop increasing the blockage, the screen will not tear. No heart attack.

The patient said one more thing, better if you take out some notes. If some of the fat is removed from here the rubber band will loosen. Never have a heart attack again. So you understand what is the best way to prevent a heart attack? Stop increasing blockages. And start reducing the blockage. Then the heart attack will never happen. We call it the Prevention of heart disease.

And reversal means the blockage can be reduced.

So if the heart patient does not increase the blockage, and keeps reducing it, keeps reserving, and reverses it, then the chance of a heart attack will be completely over. What to do now does not increase the blockage and the blockage is reversed?

Well, what material is this blockage made of? I will stop its supply. Do you understand how simple things are?

What is this block made of? What things accumulate there?

One is cholesterol and the other is triglycerides.

Cholesterol is a very common name. Every person has heard. Cholesterol accumulates inside the heart. If there is too much of these two items in your blood, it will create a blockage. So what should the heart patient do first?

These two should be understood. If you have these two things in your kitchen, and you eat it, the blockage will continue to grow. And if the blockage increases, one day there will be a heart attack. So now let's understand these two - what is cholesterol? And what are triglycerides?

What is the matter with Triglycerides?

Triglycerides are present in all of us. And its house name, its house name, oil. Which oil? There are many types of oil! Be it soybean oil, sunflower oil, or sesame oil, all the different types of oil available in the market have one name Triglycerides. Have you seen this triglyceride or oil accumulate somewhere? Think where you saw it. You walk into the kitchen, where the gas stove is kept. After a whole day of cooking, put your hand on the wall next to the stove, you will see the hand chitting. It has accumulated oil there. And you will see women cleaning that wall in the evening with soapy water.

To a lady, I said you don't clear for a month. It was seen that the oil was accumulating layer by layer. And if this sesame oil freezes inside the heart, do you understand what will happen?

So what to do?

1) Stop adding oil to food.

2) Cholesterol should be stopped.

Cholesterol comes from only one food, animal food. No plant foods contain cholesterol. What does plant food mean? All kinds of vegetables, all kinds of fruits, cucumbers, grains, bread, and rice have no cholesterol in them. Because it is made from plants. If made from animals, it will contain cholesterol.

Well, think about what animal food is? Animal food includes meat, fish, eggs, and milk. These four things help us create blockages. Because it is animal food full of cholesterol.

So what do I request from heart patients? I would say you cut out animal food. That means cutting out the meat. Omit the chicken. Skip the fish. And omit the egg. You need to change your mindset.

What is that

I don't eat animal food.

There is a problem with milk. Milk also has a benefit.

The problem is that it contains cholesterol. The advantage is that if you boil it, the cholesterol goes up and freezes. It can be called sour. Remove it. Boil again, cool again. There will be another layer. Two or three layers can be removed in this way. So some amount

The milk can be taken.

So what did I say to heart patients?

1) Eliminate cholesterol.

2) Eliminate triglycerides.

Heart Blockage Iage 2
Heart Blockage Iage 2

If it is removed, the heart disease will stop progressing. And if you cut off the supply, what will happen? The blockage will decrease.

So let's understand another thing, these two are, I say the two biggest criminals! The greatest murderer. Millions of people die here every year. These two criminals have entered our kitchen. And who is taking help?

Taking help from our wives, taking help from our mothers, taking help from our sisters. Are you trying to kill the patient using these two criminals? I think it should not be done. We want to eliminate both cholesterol and triglycerides from our diet.

Now I will think again that these two people are gangsters. Do they have a team or not? Yes, they have a team. These teams are called lipid profiles.

1) Cholesterol

2) Triglycerides

3) HDL

4) LDL


6) CHOL:HDL (Cholesterol:HDL ratio.

We call these six items the lipid profile. You will see that doctors prescribe lipid profiles. What does that mean? You should know how much of any quality is in the blood. Let me tell you one thing, cholesterol should be between 130 and 180 in our blood.

And for the heart patient, I would like him to bring 129 and keep it. And triglyceride should be in our blood from 100 to 160. What do I want? Let him bring 99. If you can bring these two, great. The chances of heart attack are very low. There will be no chance of heart attack.

Remember these two very well cholesterol is less than 130 - 130 to 180

And triglycerides less than 100, 100 to 160

To get these two, you have to cook without oil. And with that, all kinds of animal food should be eliminated for cholesterol. Live by eating plant food. Then our work will be done.

There is one more thing to remember. There is good cholesterol in it. Good cholesterol is HDL cholesterol. It is not available in the market. It tries to lower cholesterol rather than support it. If you want to increase this HDL, you have to walk. If you walk every day, HDL will increase. And if you eat green vegetables in food, reduce tension then HDL will increase. Then HDL should be increased and the others should be decreased. And this LDL is called bad cholesterol. It is very dangerous to stay above 70. Keep less than 70 then heart disease will not occur.

Anyway, here are the reasons for the blockage. These are the six lipid profiles that are called there are six more to help. Those who say, you increase the blockage, we will support. They help a lot in increasing blockages. Their names are:

1) Blood Pressure (BP)

2) Diabetes (DM)

3) Smoking.

4) Alcohol

5) Overweight.


Both blood pressure and diabetes contribute a lot to heart blockage. And with that is smoking, tobacco, smoking. This also helps a lot in creating blockages. And alcohol with it. Another is overweight. Another last is mental stress. These six reasons increase our blockage again.

If you have high blood pressure, try to increase the blockage. If there is high sugar then it will try to increase the blockage. And it is very important to control these two.

So I want: Heart patients should know that their blood pressure should never go above 120. And the lower pressure should not go above 80. And what to do about this? For this, do whatever it takes for the heart. One extra thing to do is to eat less salt. To reduce tension. Have to walk. Lose weight. By doing these, the blood pressure decreases.

And even after that, if it is not controlled, I have no problem taking medicine. But keep blood pressure between 120 and 80 if you want to prevent blockage. Blood pressure along with blood sugar should be kept low. These days sugar patients are increasing a lot. It greatly increases heart disease. 5.5 Fasting must be kept. And 7.7 lakhs but PP (after meal).

Heart disease can be prevented if you keep these two. But if sugar isn't in your control, you're going to get stuck. The blockage will increase in one day. A heart attack will happen. Along with that, smoking or jorda, gutka, and all kinds of tobacco should be stopped. And I give people only one piece of advice to stop smoking. What? Close in a minute. If you think you will stop slowly, it is never possible. Must be close together. You will think that I have given up today. This is the best way. And stop alcohol with him. And if there is overweight that weight should be reduced. People who eat more rice or bread gain more weight. And they must be stopped. The less you do, the less weight you will lose. And what is needed with that is to control the tension or stress. Human pressure has become very important these days. This stress should be reduced. Mind you, stress has become a major cause of heart disease these days.

Because, if there is mental stress, the blood pressure will increase. Stress can increase diabetes. Stress will increase smoking. Alcohol will increase stress. There will be no control over food. Weight will increase. Cholesterol and triglycerides are not controlled due to stress. So - today it appears that stress is becoming a major cause of heart disease. Reducing this stress is very important.


Stress cannot be completely controlled. But if we bring it to 50% then we will benefit a lot. Then the stress should be kept low.

To reduce stress-

1) Yoga

2) Meditation

etc. must be practiced.

These are 12 reasons for our heart disease now.

Next episode:

My comment:

Talented doctor to prevent heart attack and heart blockage. This initiative and work effort of Bimal Chhajer deserve greatness and praise. If we can understand his suggestions and follow them as much as possible, we can hope that we will not have all these heart diseases.

Wishing everyone a healthy, beautiful, and happy life.

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