The potency of homeopathy

Introduction: Potency medicines used in the homeopathy treatment system introduced by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century are not gross substances. It is only a modified form of the energy contained in the original matter. According to the principle of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

Table Of Content:Different homeopathic potentiated medicines have been discovered by transforming the different energies present in each substance. Again, in homeopathy, the same medicine has been converted into different energies, i.e., the same energy has been diversified.

The potency of homeopathy
Homeopathy Image

In today’s article, we will discuss the potency of homeopathic medicine. First, we will learn some facts about energy.

Every source of energy in the world can be traced back to some basic element. According to the principle of energy conservation, no energy is eternal and only its form can change. Energy can never be destroyed or annihilated. No new power can be born outside of the existing powers in the world.

There are different forms of energy such as kinetic energy, static energy, light energy, chemical energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, etc.
Different thinkers at different times acquired knowledge about the forms of energy. For example-
Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727): introduced the concepts of kinetic energy and static energy.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867): introduced electricity and magnetism.

James Watt (1736-1891): invented the steam engine.

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955): published the formula E=mc2 to show that mass and energy are equal.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843): In 1805, Samuel Hahnemann first published the theory of homeopathy in his book Organon of Medicine. In this book, Hahnemann outlined the “healing principle of likeness by likeness”. By a similar principle, the troublesome symptoms of a disease may be treated by substances that are capable of producing the same symptoms in a healthy body if applied in a higher potency and a smaller dose.

Homeopathy Medicine Preparation Process:

Homeopathy medicine is also known as Remedy. Its main ingredients are taken from various sources. Homeopathic medicines are generally prepared from seven sources. Vegetables – leaves, stems, roots, bark, etc.
Animals- various animals, insects, etc.
Minerals – salts, various metallic elements, etc.

Selection of raw material: First of all a raw material is selected for making medicine. The selection of the type of substance determines whether it will be prepared by dilution or trituration. It was also decided at this time that three methods of homeopathic medicine preparation, decimal, centenary, and fiftieth energy principles of medicine would be prepared.

Potentiation: Diluting the substance by either succussion or trituration. Medicines are diluted by dilution. By dynamization, the power of this medicine is stirred up by shaking.

A decimal scale expresses the potency of a medicine using the decimal potency system. For example-
1x, 10x, 100x, 200x etc.

The centesimal scale expresses the potency of the medicine in centesimal form. The potency of the method is expressed by the medicine.
Like 30, 200, 1m, 10m, cm etc.

Dose of Homeopathic medicine:

The prescribed dosage of the selected homeopathic medicine to the patient is called the dosage of the medicine. How much medication will the patient take at a time? How many time intervals should be taken? When to stop medication? All these rules are included in this dose.

Wonders of dynamic potency:

We see that atoms are stronger than atoms. Nuclear energy is more subtle and powerful than atomic energy. Atom is the smallest unit of matter and atom is the smallest unit of matter. The smaller the material is broken, the more energy is released. According to the homeopathic principle, if a drop of juice from a herb is as strong as it is, if it is divided into 100 parts, that part will be more powerful. Thus, every time this energy is worked with, this energy will change. Because there is no destruction of energy.

This has been proven time and time again in clinical practice. Homeopathy has survived for more than 200 years because of its proven efficacy.

However, this subtle power of homeopathy is disputed. Some say that the existence of the power of homeopathic medicine is not credible because it cannot be seen under a microscope. But despite all these controversies, homeopathy still survives in human society because it can cure diseases.

Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath.

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