Treatment of fever, types and management


Management and treatment of fever:

Preliminary Discussion: Fever is only a disease symptom in the body. It is not a complete disease by itself. A body temperature of more than 98.6 degrees is called a fever. Highs above 106°F are called hyperpyrexia. In today’s discussion, I will discuss about fever, its definition, cause, different types of fever, diagnosis, medicine, and treatment of dever.

Different types of fever:

Now we will discuss the type of fever. There are different types of fever:

Table Of Content:Acute: If the severity of the fever is less than seven days, it is called acute fever.

Subacute fever: If the duration of fever is less than 14 days, it is called subacute fever.

Chronic fever: The fever that lasts more than 14 days is called Chronic fever or Persistent fever.

Pyrexia: Fever due to injury to any body tissue or organ is called pyrexia.

Treatment of fever, types and management
Thermometer image

Cause of fever:

If there is any internal disorder in the body such as infection, toxins, or poisonous substances accumulate and mix with the blood or if there is a fever for some unknown reason, it is called FUO(Fever of unknown origin).

Pathology of fever:

An increase in body temperature, increase in pulse rate, respiratory inconsistency with general illness in some cases, nervous disorder and delirium, headache, weakness with body pain, nausea, constipation, disinterest, etc. are created when fever occurs.

There are three types of general fever:

Simple continued fever: Constant fever.

Remitted fever: Intermittent fever that sometimes lowers the body temperature but does not leave completely.

Intermittent fever: Chronic fever such as malaria.

There are also several other types of fever

catarrhal fever – cold fever,

Hectic fever – Degenerative fever. Fever with tuberculosis.

Rheumatic fever– fever with Rheumatism.

Adynamic fever-In fever the heat is not too great but great weakness.

As symptoms of other diseases,

Symptoms of fever:

During fever, the body destroys more tissue than normal. Albumin, fibrin, fat, and tissues are destroyed in the body. The number of RBCs in the blood decreases. In fever, urea, uric acid, and carbolic acid are produced in large quantities in the body and cannot be excreted. These pollutants increase the temperature of the body and manifest other associated symptoms. All these symptoms need to be carefully considered for the treatment of fever.

Symptom considerations in fever treatment:

The main physical problem is to be seen. When does the fever rise? When does it decrease? Is there any eruption on the body? Or whether there is a possibility of eruption? Is there pain in any place? Is there any other disorder? Delirium, etc. should be carefully observed.

Pulse and respiratory rate in fever:

In healthy conditions, pulse rate is 70 to 80 beats per minute and respiration is 16 to 18 beats per minute. There may be slight variations. For every 1 degree increase in temperature, heart rate increases 8 times and respiration increases 2/3 times. During fever, the pulse rate can range from 120 to 160 beats. As to the internal cause of fever, it may be said that fever, like other diseases, has a separate bacillus. The aggravating factors of fever are sudden excessive cold or heat, irregularity in eating habits, excessive physical and mental exertion, contamination of blood, insect bites, fear etc. Also, fever can occur due to ear infections, urinary bladder infections, toothache and gum infections, various bacterial infections, etc.

Note:  Common fever usually gets better without any treatment. However, in the case of children or old persons, if the patient has other serious disease symptoms and the resistance of vital force is weak, treatment must be sought.

Homeopathic treatment of fever:

Homeopathic treatment of fever usually involves selecting the medicine based on the cause of the disease, retention of growth, other physical symptoms, and overall symptoms of the patient. But generally, the drugs that need to be considered are:

Aconite, Sulphur, Nux vomica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Arsenic album, Pulsatilla, China, Opium, Antim tart, Phosphorus, Natrum mur, Thuja, Marc sol, Rhus-tox, Antim crud, etc medicines we often use to the treatment of fever if the symptoms correspond.

Special note: It is better not to give medicine when the fever heat is very high. However, in cases where high-temperature fever continues continuously, medicine should be given along with the high temperature. However, cold water should be poured on the head along with the medicine or the body should be wiped frequently with a towel. If you wet a towel in cold water(Jalpatti) and apply it on the forehead, the fever patient will get relief.

Some fevers like viral fevers do not come under control within 2-3 days. In that case, the medicine should be given according to the symptoms. Do not stop taking medicine.

Even if the fever does not decrease, the medication should not be changed unnecessarily frequently thinking that the medication selection is wrong. Eating sugar, and lemon juice along with other normal foods will not cause weakness.

Common fever comes on suddenly and is cured by fasting for a few days. Medicines are not required in such cases.

A vegetarian diet excludes milk, curd, eggs, meat, fish, and all solid foods. Milk, fruit juice, one meal of rice and fish broth, and bread at night can be given.

Biochemical medicine of fever:

Ferrum phos, Kali phos, Calcarea phos, Kali mure, Natram phos, natram sulph, etc. medicines can be applied considering the symptoms.

Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath

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