Yoga mudra benefits. Name of 10 popular yoga mudra

 Introduction: Yoga Mudra helps to make life meaningful by bringing harmony between physical and mental well-being and spiritual progress. A true practitioner of this mudra is sure to reap the benefits. In today’s discussion, I will discuss: What is yogamudra? Its origin? yoga mudra types? yoga mudra benefits? I will discuss various topics. Along with this, I will tell you about the names and benefits of the most popular 10 coins.

What is Yoga Mudra?

Yoga mudra is a special method of regulating the flow of energy in the body and focusing attention through the practice of certain techniques of finger postures, body postures, and facial expressions. 

Table Of Content:The use of certain positions of the fingers to balance the body and mind is called yoga mudra. Practicing this yoga mudra regularly improves mental concentration, helping to keep the mind free from unnecessary stress. By strengthening the life force, the immune system of the body increases.

Yoga mudra benefits image
Yoga mudra benefits image

Origin of Yogamudra?

This yoga mudra associated with yoga is an ancient yoga practice of the Indian subcontinent. It has connections with traditional Hinduism and Buddhism. It is first mentioned in the Yoga Sutras, written by Sage Patanjali in the sixth century BC. This yoga mudra is practiced to centralize the mind or control the mind by balancing the body, mind, and soul.

Types of Yoga Mudra:

Yuga Mudra, yoga asanas, and Pranayama are fundamentally different from each other, but in practice, they are well-rounded with one of their improvements.

Yoga Mudras can be divided into different categories:

Asana: Sitting posture.

Pranayama: Control of breathing.

Mudra: Hand finger posture

Bandha: Establishing control over different parts of the body.

Kriya: Physical activity.

Yoga mudra benefits:

Many yoga mudra benefits can be mentioned. Physical and mental well-being is achieved through the regular practice of mudra. Simultaneously, spiritual progress also takes place. Here are the main yoga mudra benefits:

1) Mental concentration is maintained. It focuses on the mind. Brings mental stability. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

2) Physical fitness is gained. Regular practice of different mudras has many physical benefits, along with mental improvement. Maintains the balance of different organs in the body. Regulates the flow of energy within the body.

3) As it concentrates the mind, heals the body, and improves overall psycho-physical health, spiritual progress is accelerated.

As yoga mudra benefits, these are very common benefits we get from mudras.

Practical Theory of Yoga Mudra:

Our body is made up of five basic substances: Kshiti, Ap, Tej, Marut, and Bom. These five basic elements are also present in nature. These five elements together are called Panchamahabhuta. The five fingers of our hand represent each of the elemental elements.

1) Thumbs represent fire.
2) The index finger represents wind.
3) The middle finger represents the sky.
4) The ring finger represents soil.
5) The little finger represents water.

During the practice of mudra, a connection is made between the nerve endings of the fingertips. Regular mudra practice affects the vitality of the body.

Popular 10 Yoga Mudras:

Although the exact number of these ancient yoga mudras cannot be said, the number of widely known mudras would be more than 100. At least 108 mudras are known to be more popular. Here are ten mudras that are particularly popular and practiced among them:

1) Ganamudra: Its practice increases brain function. Improves mental concentration and memory. Physical and mental restlessness decrease as a result of yoga mudra benefits.

2) Vayu mudra: Practicing this mudra has a wonderful effect on the digestive system. Digestive power increases, and problems of acidity, gas, heartburn, etc. are eliminated. Abdominal muscles become stronger.

3) Surya Mudra: Balances the functioning of the thyroid gland. Increases the immunity of the body. Helps reduce anxiety, depression, and anxiety.

4) Mrityunjaya Mudra: This mudra increases the body’s immune system and strengthens the body and mind. It helps to remove mental fear and anxiety.

5) Sunya Mudra: By having a positive effect on the sense of hearing, it removes various problems. Increases hearing power. It increases brain performance and provides mental tranquility.

6) Hridiya Mudra: It keeps the heart functioning in harmony and improves the functioning of the heart. Increases blood circulation in the body. Regulates blood pressure and brings mental calmness.

7) Earth Mudra: Increases concentration of mind and keeps the mind calm. Increases confidence and emotional stability.

8) Barad Mudra: It attracts the mind to positive thoughts. Positive thinking increases in the mind, resulting in peace of mind and confidence. Mental fear and anxiety are removed by regular practice of this mudra.

9) Tilak Mudra: Increases mental concentration. Brain performance increases. Improves memory and reduces restlessness.

10) Apana mudra: Regular practice of this mudra helps to get rid of various harmful toxins accumulated in the body. Digestion increases. Constipation is removed. The stomach becomes stronger.

These mudras are more popular because they are relatively easy to practice and they are more beneficial with regular practice.

These mudras are suitable for both those new to mudra practice and experienced veteran practitioners.

Also, some other popular yoga mudra names are:

Angustha Mudra, Maha Mudra, Padma Mudra, Matsya Mudra, Vajra Mudra, Chandra Namaskar Mudra, Hasta Mudra, Garuda Mudra, Kurma Mudra, Navel Mudra, Sankha Mudra, Mouth Mudra, Vishwa Mudra, Surya Namaskar Mudra, Universe Mudra, Linga Mudra, Trikona Mudra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mudra, Shakti Mudra, Apana Mudra, Adi Mudra, Vishnu Mudra, Granthi Mudra, Bhairava Mudra, Yoni Mudra, Chin Mudra, Purna Mudra / Brahma Mudra, Hakini Mudra, Prithvi Mudra, Anjali Mudra, etc.

However, physical condition and experience value must be considered when selecting currency for practice. The assistance of an experienced practitioner or teacher should be sought to assist in determining the appropriate currency. Necessary support can also be obtained from various online resources, such as YouTube, etc.

Yoga Mudra Practice Techniques:

Before practicing mudra, some preparations or steps must be taken consciously. This is discussed below.

Pre-Preparation for Mudra Practice: The environment for mudra practice must be calm and comfortable. Choose a clean and serene environment for practice.

Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. Wear skimpy clothing during mudra practice.

Timing: Mudra can generally be practiced at any time of the day or night. But it is best to start the day by practicing yoga in the morning. It is better to practice yoga on an empty stomach. However, if mudra is to be practiced after meals, it can be done after at least two to three hours of meals. Yoga should not be practiced if sick, after eating, or while pregnant.

Preparation during Mudra practice:

Concentration: Focus on the mind during practice and focus on the present moment.

Breathing: Focus on breathing. The correct posture for each mudra must be followed during mudra practice.

Time: Each mudra should be practiced at a specific time.

Rest: Take a short rest after each mudra practice.

Cautions of mudra practice:

Stop the practice if you feel discomfort or illness during any mudra practice. Be aware of your physical limitations. Consult a doctor if you have any health problems. We will never get yoga mudra benefits if we are not conscious of mudra practice.

Tips to increase the benefits of mudra practice:

Here are some tips on how to get maximum benefits from mudra practice.

Regular practice: Keep practicing every day with a regular schedule. Practice mudra daily for at least 15 minutes or 30 minutes.

Patience: Success can only be achieved through long-term effort in mudra practice. So definitely keep practicing patiently.

Inspiration: Joining a like-minded person, partner, or any such organization, group or forum can gain inspiration through mutual discussion. Various groups can be joined online.

Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath.

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