Epilepsy treatment, symptoms and causes


Epilepsy treatment, symptoms, and causes:

Introduction: Epilepsy will be discussed in detail in today’s post. What is epilepsy? Causes of disease? Symptoms of the disease? Diagnosis, epilepsy treatment, and some other important issues will be discussed above.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system. Abnormalities of the central nervous system result in disturbances in the activity of nerve cells in the brain. This results in symptoms such as repeated seizures, loss of consciousness for a short time, and loss of normal behavior for a while.

Table Of Content:Therefore, if there are other disease symptoms, including repeated seizures, and loss of consciousness due to an abnormality of nerve cells in the brain, it is called epilepsy.

Epilepsy treatment, symptoms and causes
Epilepsy Image

Causes of epilepsy:

Causes of epilepsy are:

Genetic causes: If the disease is present in other family members, it can be passed on to other members genetically.

Brain injury: The disease can be caused by any injury to the head. In many cases, epilepsy is caused by stroke, tumor, etc. Sometimes the disease can also be caused by birth trauma or head injury in newborns or children.

Congenital Abnormalities: The disease can be caused by congenital abnormalities or birth defects. Sometimes babies can develop epilepsy due to a brain injury or delayed access to oxygen at birth. Babies who are born prematurely can, in some cases, develop problems like epilepsy.

Developmental problems: A child is at higher risk of developing this disease if there is a problem with milestone growth, such as an imbalance between birth and age, or an imbalance of growth and development.

Neurological problems: If there is any systemic disorder in the nerves of the brain, it can cause epilepsy.

Side effects of medicines: The disease can be caused by the side effects of some medicines.

In addition, the disease can also be caused by many other lifestyle errors, such as drug consumption, alcoholism, extreme stress, etc.

Symptoms of epilepsy:

We are now discussing the main symptoms of epilepsy.

Convulsions: When seizures begin in epilepsy, there are problems like sudden stiffness of the whole body or parts of the body, stiffness of the hands, and clenching of the jaw. During this time, the hands and mouth become very tight and difficult to open.

Loss of consciousness: Partial or complete loss of consciousness may occur with the onset of a seizure. The patient remains unconscious.

Difficulty in breathing: When the seizure starts, there is often difficulty in breathing.

Tongue bite: During convulsions, the mouth and fists are clenched very tightly, so in many cases, the tongue gets stuck between the teeth and bites.

Passage of feces: Many people experience the passing of feces during convulsions.

Post-seizure symptoms such as weakness, abnormal behavior, mood swings, and memory impairment may also occur. It should also be considered whether these symptoms are symptoms of other diseases.

Some useful information:

1) Epilepsy is not a contagious disease, so it doesn’t spread from one person to another.
2) Epilepsy does not impair normal intelligence. So the patient can lead a normal life.

Epilepsy diagnosis:

The disease cannot be diagnosed directly by the results of pathological tests. However, looking at the results of the tests, it is possible to find out the cause of epilepsy in many cases.

Clinical examination:

An experienced doctor can diagnose the disease by seeing the patient directly. History of the disease, how long does the seizure last? Know all these things. The disease can also be diagnosed by a physical and neurological examination of the patient.

In all these cases, a video recording of the patient during the seizure can greatly help diagnose.

Pathological examination:

EEG (Electroencephalography): The test records the electrical activity of the brain.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Provides detailed images of the brain and can detect brain abnormalities.

CT scan (Computed Tomography Scan): Brain imaging is done to see if there are any functional problems.

Blood test: By blood test, it is possible to make the correct decision in the case of electrolyte balance of the body, infection, etc.

Genetic testing: The blood is tested to see if there is any genetic mutation problem.

Epilepsy treatment:

Epilepsy treatment requires some patience, as it is usually a chronic disease. Sometimes epilepsy is not completely cured by treatment, but the symptoms are under control. However, homeopathic treatment has shown considerable improvement in epileptic patients. However, regardless of the treatment method adopted, regular medication is vital for this disease. Medicines should not be stopped without a doctor’s advice. Seizure reduction is our first goal for epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy treatment in homeopathy:

Homeopathic treatment is symptomatic for any disease. If the symptoms are similar, the homeopathic medicines that we can choose for epilepsy treatment are:

Aconite: Aconite medicine is applicable if the disease is triggered by fear.

Arnica: Arnica will work well if there is any kind of trauma associated with the disease.

China: Cinchona homeopathic medicine works well in cases of weakness, ringing in the ears, and fainting due to excessive bleeding.

Camphor: The patient has frostbite. During convulsions, the patient’s body, hands, and feet become cold.

Stramonium: The patient’s eyes are wide and open.

The patient convulses with unconsciousness. In this situation, if you pour 8 to 10 drops of mother tincture of Amil Nitrate on a handkerchief and let it smell the patient, or if you hold the bottle of mother tincture near the nose of the patient, the severity of the disease is reduced. Usually, a kind of tingling sensation is felt in the body before the onset of seizures in epilepsy. Repeated inhalation of Amil nitrate mother tincture extract in this condition may prevent disease attacks.

Homeopathic treatment for any disease should be done under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Living with epilepsy:

Epileptic patients have to live very consciously. It is better not to walk alone. A sudden epileptic attack or convulsion attack in any adverse environment can even endanger the patient’s life.

Adequate sleep: The patient should get enough sleep.

Balanced diet: The patient’s diet should be balanced. Unhealthy food should be avoided as much as possible.

Physical exercise: Regular physical exercise improves the structure of the body. It builds resistance in the body against any disease.

Reduce mental stress: Any type of mental stress can aggravate epilepsy. So be stress-free.

Social interaction: Social interaction can help you live a stable life. And that can help to build strong mental health.

Regular checkups: Epilepsy patients should be under regular medical supervision.

Now we will discuss some important questions and answers about epilepsy.

Question: Is epilepsy hereditary?
Answer: In some cases, this disease is hereditary. However, epilepsy is not hereditary in all cases.

Q: Does epilepsy cure?
A: In many cases, this disease is not completely curable, but it is possible to control seizures with proper treatment and a conscious lifestyle.

Read this post in bangla:

Dr. Dipankar Mondala.
Registered Homeopath.

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