Ayurveda for healthy life Ideal lifestyle First episode

Most of the outbreaks of diseases, ranging from simple fever coughs to complex, difficult, and incurable ones, are caused by our arbitrary and immoral life practices. Just like our eating habits, our lifestyles are also irregular. All these factors play a major role in ailing our physical and mental health. Physical illness is the first obstacle to the realization of any honest and noble undertaking. If the body is not healthy, its effect falls on the mind, so our mind cannot be happy because the body is not healthy. This is why it is said that ‘health is the root of all happiness’.

So to be happy, we must have good health. And since we get sick by following various rules, Ayurveda treatment says that we can regain good health by following various rules. Ayurvedic treatment focuses more on disease prevention than treatment.

Ayurveda for healthy life Ideal lifestyle First episode
Ayurveda Image

So to maintain good physical and mental health, we will first observe two types of rules:

1) Discipline in life.
2) Moderation in food intake.

Only by following these two rules can we heal our body and mind.

In the first part, we will discuss the discipline of life conduct. And I will discuss the judgment about food intake in detail later in another episode.

We will discuss here the rules that must be followed to maintain our physical health. In this regard, we can take the help of Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, there are three doshas in nature that work inside our body. When these three doshas are in balance inside the body, we are as healthy as possible. And when they are out of balance, we get sick accordingly. These three doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha. The main function of these doshas is to transport the nutrients from the ingested food to all the cells of the body. When these doshas are out of balance, disease occurs in the body.

Keeping these three doshas in mind, we are now discussing dincharya, or daily routine.

Leaving bed in Brahmamuhurta: The time starting from 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise until 48 minutes before sunrise is called Brahmamuhurta. Get out of bed right now. For the purification of the mind, one who follows the path starts the day with that prayerful service. After that, for some time, you will practice light yoga exercises. At this time, you can meditate for a while for any noble or divine purpose. It will bring peace of mind.

Morning bath: There is waste material or garbage in the body. This garbage, or waste, is of two types. Garbage of the body (Maal) and garbage of the mind (Kitta). Just as the garbage (kitta) of the mind is removed by spiritual activity, so the excrement of the body is removed by bathing. Bathing at least twice a day is essential to keeping the body clean.

Healthy diet: Taking into consideration the diet, it should be practiced in moderation. The body receives energy through food. Remember, we eat to live, not live to eat.

Active life: One should live an active life by abandoning laziness. Money should be earned for the maintenance of the family by self-employment with honest efforts in professional work. One should be engaged in good deeds with noble intentions. Individuals, families, society, and the state should be engaged in welfare work for all.

Adequate Rest: Rest is part of work. Therefore, if you take a rest in the interval between the work, the physical enthusiasm is maintained. An ax can’t get much done unless it’s used tirelessly. Sometimes, if you use it to be sharp, more work can be done. So by resting, we can give the body more energy to perform more work.

Spending time with family: Spending time with all family members is very important. It strengthens the family bond as well as increases the zest for life. Spending time with children makes the mind more cheerful. If there are old and sick people in the family, it is the moral duty of everyone to take care of and look after them.

Elegant use of electric devices: Currently, mobile devices, computers, laptops, and these electric devices are inextricably linked to our lives. Without them, it is not possible to run in the current social system. But we can get the maximum benefit from these electrical devices by using them elegantly.

Book Reading: Knowledge is the most valuable of all the things we get in our lives. It is said that knowledge is an invaluable resource. And we can acquire this knowledge by reading books. With the knowledge gained, it will be possible to find a higher ideal. Reading books can also be a hobby.

Hobbies: Reading books, planting trees, flower gardening, painting, music, dancing, etc. Any other constructive hobby can be practiced. All these accompanying exercises can be a source of mental joy. They can also be partners for life. It is said that heaven dwells with the righteous and destruction with the wicked. In this context, choosing a book can be like choosing a companion.

Avoid heavy meals after evening: According to Ayurveda, excess Pittaya dosha is effects on nature and our bodies during this time from 6 pm to 10 pm. As a result, our digestion is weak during this time. Digestion in the body is not good. Therefore, if you eat more during this time, the body will gain weakness instead of strength.

Going to sleep before ‘Pitta’ dosha: Pitta dosha usually starts at 10 pm. From 10 pm to 2 am is the period of ‘pitta’ dosha. This time, you must sleep. And you must go to bed before 10 pm. It should be remembered that if you do not sleep from 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM after that, even if you sleep for the next 8 hours, your body will remain tired and sickness will prevail throughout the day.

By arranging the daily routine in this way, we will get many benefits. Below are some of the benefits that we will get:

1) Balance of ‘faults’.
2) Good digestion.
3) Healthy organs.
4) Healthy life.
5) Peace of mind.
6) Harmony with nature.
That is, the basic principles of Ayurveda, which are discussed in brief, are:
1) Health care.
2) Yoga and meditation.
3) Food evaluation and service.
4) Income guidance.
5) Relationship with Nature/Creator.

Being bound by rules can sometimes seem like a barrier to our emotional freedom. But if we think a little deeper, we may feel that only through the bonds of rules, discipline, or restraint is our emotional liberation possible. A football breaks free and is kicked by everyone’s stampede. But even if a kite is tied to a thread, it flies in the sky. That is, in this case, the bond is the cause of liberation. So we can only wish to be bound by discipline and restraint.

Any difficult task can be accomplished through continuous practice, even if it seems difficult or impossible in the initial stage. For the sake of protecting the body, daily habits can be observed by doing something. A habit may not be formed very quickly. But with consistent effort, good habits will gradually become embedded in our hearts and daily activities.

Now we will discuss some more important questions and answers about Ayurveda.

Question: Who is the father of Ayurveda?

Ans: The Sanskrit word ‘Ayush’ means ‘life’ and ‘Veda’ means ‘special knowledge’ or ’ science’. Ayurveda means ‘science of life’.

Question: Ayurveda is the source of which Vedas?  

Ans: Ayurveda is Upaveda or auxiliary knowledge. Originally ‘Ayurveda Shastra’ comes from ‘Atharvaveda’. Atharvaveda contains 114 hymns related to Ayurveda. There are various opinions about the origin of Ayurveda. According to one view, Dhanvantari (Dibodas) got the knowledge of Ayurveda from Brahma.

Question: Are there side effects of Ayurvedic medicine?

Ans: Usually, Ayurvedic medicines are prepared using herbal plants. Improper use of medicine can have side effects in some cases. However, the side effects of Ayurvedic medicines are usually not very serious, as these Ayurvedic medicines are made from herbal plants.

Question: What are the four main components of the human body?

Ans: According to Ayurveda, the four basic elements of the human body are dosha, dhatu, mala, and agni. These are called the ‘Principles of Ayurveda’ or ‘Essentials of Ayurvedic Medicine’.

Read more:
Vata pitta and phlegm, what is the meaning of this tridosha caste?

Good luck to all. Everyone will be fine.

Read this post in bangla:

Dr. Dipankar Mondal.
Registered Homeopath.

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